

2021年11月30日,星期二-5:00 pm


CONTENT: Press Release

伦敦和纽约,2021年11月30日 / 3BL Media / -Bloomberg与Count Count In Count与八个新的参与组织一起参加员工挑战赛。BCG,Deloitte,Goldman Sachs,Kyan,Natwest Group,Ooni,Scottish Powers和Spectris已签署了该计划,该计划召集了领先的企业鼓励其员工承担有意义的个人行动,以实现全球净净目标。由全球运动支持我们,与一组八个动作平台合作,它旨在到2025年吸引1亿员工。

In the battle against climate change, fostering public-private sector collaboration is critical – something the Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions, has long advocated for. Earlier this month, the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, saw leaders across the globe negotiate ambitious roadmaps to climate targets, and business level up on climate action and ambitions.


Employee participation, innovation and ownership can accelerate businesses’ transition to net-zero, and unlock individuals’ and teams’ creativity to deliver on sustainability plans at every opportunity. It has other benefits too, such as building a culture of mindful consumption, attracting and retaining talent. The Count Us In Employee Challenge taps into this potential, bringing together the energy of businesses, like Bloomberg, which are stepping up their climate ambition and action across all levels of their strategy and operations to inspire and empower their workforce to play their part in delivering on their organizational climate targets, and build momentum for wider transformation.

该计划正在与气候动作平台合作,包括A-World,Brightaction,Do Nation,Deedster,Eevie,Giki Zero,Joro和Joulebug和Joulebug和Pawprint。充其量,其采取行动的1亿员工的集体影响有可能与整个全球运输和化学工业所需的碳削减相匹配,到2030年,从零售商处或从现在开始的瑞士全部排放。

Nigel Topping, UK High-Level Climate Action Champion,他于2021年6月发起了这项雄心勃勃的倡议,他说:“令人难以置信的是,看到公司通过在这一全方位的时刻加入了员工挑战赛来利用员工的创造力和潜力。这是系统性变化的一个有力的例子 - 个人和组织都在扮演自己的角色,以帮助及时创建零碳世界。”

Jemma Read, Global Head of Corporate Philanthropy, Bloomberg L.P.:越来越明显的是,需要交叉社会承诺和更高的协作来保护和恢复我们的星球。小型的个人行动(在一个组织中多次乘以乘以)很快就开始加起来,带来有意义且持久的变化。我们很高兴加入客户和合作伙伴,通过在员工挑战赛中通过美国计数来推动更大的环境参与和本地行动。

Goldman Sachs EMEA首席运营官Dermot McDonogh:Goldman Sachs is proud to join the Count Us In challenge in encouraging people to protect what they love from climate change. This is a great concept bringing to life how the actions of a few can add up to a lot and how by making a small change today, we can make such a big difference tomorrow.

苏格兰力量人力资源主任希拉·邓肯(Sheila Duncan): The climate emergency is one of the biggest challenges we face every day and, as a Principal Partner of COP26, we’re proud to support our colleagues to take part in the Count Us In Employee Challenge. It might seem daunting for an individual to imagine how their actions can help, but – collectively – it matters. We must act now – and the Challenge is a great way to get people on board.

Eric Levine, Count Us In Executive Team:Since the Count Us In Employee Challenge’s launch in June, we have seen the number of participating organizations double from 19 to almost 40. We are excited to see clear commitment that businesses are moving beyond their strategy and operations to tackle climate change. Just like every business needs a net-zero commitment, every business should have a standard practice to engage their colleagues. We hope that seeing more organizations join the challenge today will encourage and motivate others to leverage their greater scope for climate action by involving employees.

Led by Michael R. Bloomberg, a global climate champion and Special Envoy to the UN Secretary-General, Bloomberg is tackling the climate crisis from every angle.

Bloomberg Philanthropies is at the forefront of U.S. and global efforts to fight climate change and protect the environment across a key array of issues. Bringing together mayors and other government and business leaders, grassroots partners, and environmental advocates, Bloomberg Philanthropies implements bold programs that tackle the climate crisis and help build a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable economy. Its efforts are accelerating the transition from coal to clean energy, improving air quality and public health, advancing city climate action, protecting and preserving ocean ecosystems, and helping unlock billions of dollars in sustainable finance.

彭博社(Bloomberg L.P.)为全球金融界提供了数据驱动的见解,新闻和分析,以帮助188bet网址怎么打不开他们在整个投资过程中整合ESG镜头。作为一家公司,彭博L.P.也以身作则,包括在2025年之前承诺零碳排放量,并在其员工居住和工作的社区采取行动。通过彭博社管理与气候有关的财务披露工作组和气候财务领导力计划,彭博社正在利用资本市场的力量来解决气候变化并支持向零净经济的过渡。

所有与美国挑战赛一起加入美国伯爵的全球大型企业都将竞赛加入了零,公开承诺符合巴黎协议一致的所有范围的排放 - 在2030年之前将排放量减少。an additional step being taken by participating businesses to engage their workforces and accelerate their business’ delivery of their organizational commitments.

所有参与的企业都提供了一个数字平台,员工可以使用我们的平台合作伙伴(A-World,Brightaction,Do Nation,Deedster,Eevie,Eevie,Giki Zero,Joro,Joro和Joulebug)以计数和负责的方式采取个人行动。这些行动及其相关的碳影响力是由美国伯爵(Count)在聚合中加起来的(由埃森哲(Accenture)代表我们进行操作)。Count Us In’s platform partners all offer support for employers in running employee engagement campaigns, providing a range of personal climate actions that employees can take, robust carbon calculation methodologies to capture the impact of actions, and features to motivate and inspire participation via teams, competitions, leaderboards and more.

Count Us In is a community of people and organizations taking practical steps to protect what they love from climate change before it is too late. Launched at TED Countdown, Count Us In’s mission is to inspire 1 billion people to significantly reduce their carbon pollution, and challenge leaders to act boldly to deliver global systems change. It brings together sport, business, faith, youth and civil society to protect what you love, make changes that matter, do good for you too, and add up to something bigger. Learn more atcount-us-in.org

类别: 环境