

2021年12月15日,星期三 - 下午5:45




December 15, 2021 /3BL Media/ - Bloomberg today announced the launch of the Bloomberg U.S. Municipal Impact Index designed to track the market of municipal bonds categorized as Green, Social, and Sustainability. The index currently tracks over 2,800 securities and is the first such standardized measure of the U.S. municipal tax-exempt investment grade impact bond market.

该指数源自彭博指数服务有限公司(BISL)旗舰市政索引(彭博股票:I00730),并188bet上不了利用彭博社的数据及其市政数据分析师的研究将绿色,社交或可持续性的Municabality Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Continals On Bloomberg Terminal归类为绿色。金博宝怎么注册要包含在该指数中,必须将债券直接从初始产品中自行标记为绿色,社会或可持续性,由独立保证提供者进行审查,或者根据国际资本市场协会(International Capit金博宝怎么注册al Market Association(ICMA)原理。作为一组市政指数家庭的一部分,还推出了致力于跟踪绿色,社会和可持续性市政债券的其他子指数。金博宝怎么注册

“投资者对市政影响债券的需求一直在增长,其市场价值在过去三年中增加了一倍以上,但参与者缺乏ESG顾问证券的标准参考点,”全球固定收益指数产品负责人Nick Gendron说。在彭博社。“我们认为,彭博社美国的影响指数将对ETF产品创建和传统基准测试具有广泛的吸引力,同时还为对这一不断增长的市政债券市场的深入研究提供了有用的工具。”

Eligible bonds within the index are required to have principal and interest denominated in USD, at least one year until final maturity, and hold an investment grade rating. Only fully tax-exempt issues are included, and rebalancing will occur on a monthly basis. Bloomberg provides a suite of green bond market governance, research, data, and analytics to help users identify green securities and assess alignment to the Green Bond Principles developed by the International Capital Markets Association.

该索引于2021年12月13日启动,历史记录可以追溯到2019年1月1日。彭博客户可以使用股票i36676us index 访问该索引。


彭博’s index team has a proven track record in creating industry-standard and bespoke indices across asset classes, including market-leading fixed income and commodity indices. Bloomberg Index Services Limited (BISL) takes an innovative approach to delivering strategic benchmarks that help market participants address their evolving needs. As an integral part of Bloomberg, BISL has access to an unparalleled breadth of trusted data and reliable technology for calculations, analytics and workflow automation, along with distribution capabilities that can help amplify the visibility of our customers’ products.

彭博, the global business and financial information and news leader, gives influential decision makers a critical edge by connecting them to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas. The company’s strength – delivering data, news and analytics through innovative technology, quickly and accurately – is at the core of the Bloomberg Terminal. Bloomberg’s enterprise solutions build on the company’s core strength: leveraging technology to allow customers to access, integrate, distribute and manage data and information across organizations more efficiently and effectively. For more information, visit彭博。com/company或者请求演示

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