


今天发布,“保持课程——2009年社区参与指数”是由波士顿大学两年一次的调查的企业公民中心,询问188bet网址怎么打不开公司的社区参与计划、实践和管理。188bet网址怎么打不开社区参与是大多数公司的基石企业公民的承诺,这项调查的结果提供鼓励的证据基础仍然是声音。面对历史性的经济压力,大多数公司举行了在社区参与计划的支持。188bet网址怎么打不开虽然很大一部分企业削减他们的社区参与预算,62.1%保持或增加预算的水平。188bet网址怎么打不开尽管37.8%的受访者公司削减社区参与预算,减少人员仅占20.9%。188bet网址怎么打不开收集到的数据通过多年的开展社区参与指数调查显示企业已经取得了显著的进展,从内部投资员工,外部投资策略和通信全球社区的需要188bet网址怎么打不开。当地曾经非常担心现在的业务包括全球性的问题。作为社188bet网址怎么打不开区的参与变得更加复杂,调查数据显示,战略意图已成为大多数程序的完善的指导原则。研究结果还表明,企业继续斗争的挑战证明可衡量的社会影响从它们所处社区的倡议。“这个调查的结果提供社区参与的快照,”克里斯Pinney解释说,波士顿学院研究和政策中心主任。188bet网址怎么打不开 “It gives a glimpse of how companies are approaching this evolving function in today’s challenging business environment.” Among the issues of concern to companies, education is once again ranked as most critical, followed by environmental issues, economic development, health care and job training. This survey also reflects the increased concern of business, as well as the general public, with environmental issues. In the 2005 Community Involvement Index environmental issues ranked only seventh among issues of concern to companies. Direct philanthropy remains a big part of community involvement. The range of average annual donations by corporations reported by respondents goes from less than $500,000 per year (27.8 percent of companies) to more than $25 million per year (14.2 percent) of companies. The largest group (32.5 percent) donated between $1 million and $10 million per year on average. Looking at the percentage of pretax profits donated per year provides a clearer picture of the generosity of corporations. The most common rate of donation reported by respondents is less than 0.5 percent of pre-tax profits, cited by 34.3 percent of those surveyed, with a little more than 1 in 4 companies, 27.8 percent, donating more than 1 percent of pre-tax profits. Employee volunteering is also at the core of community involvement programs for companies though participation levels in those programs are not as extensive as might be expected. Just 30.3 percent of survey respondents reported that their companies have more than 30 percent employee participation and 45.3 have 15 percent or less participating in volunteering programs. The complete2009年188bet网址怎么打不开社区参与指数报告只提供给成员在该中心的网站上。非会员可以去网站下载PDF的调查重要发现。波士顿大学企业公民中心是一个会员制与卡罗尔管理学院的相关研究机构。它致力于帮助企业利用其社会、经济和人力资产,以确保它的成功和一个更公正和可持续的世界。作为主要资源在企业公民,中心与跨国公司合作,帮助他们定义、计划和实施他们的企业公民。通过研究的力量,管理和领导项目,和350名公司成员的见解,中心创建知识、价值和企业公民的需求。www.BCCorporateCitizenship.org更多信息请联系:< 0}。
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