

(3去年可比我们芝加哥,I金博宝手机版网页L - 2月3日,2010 -商业托运人UPS和DHL得分同样的绿色行动,根据一项新的研究的实际和公司可持续发展。金博宝怎么注册但当涉及到两个品牌的消费者知觉,叶子UPS DHL在尘土中,得分几乎高出5倍。这仅仅是一个2010年MapChange令人瞠目结舌的结果,一个品牌的调查近100顶级公司在北美,横跨10产品和服务行业。

MapChange 2010研究合作改变,温哥华咨询公司专注于绿色品牌创新(被Maddock收购道格拉斯,芝加哥创新机构),安格斯•里德民意和非盈利的气候。它在三份报告已经发布,这样,最终版本,涉及消费者运输、食品服务和银行部门。而UPS和DHL表现为巨大的差异,品牌之间可能的-和共同的可持续性能和消费者知觉,星巴克显示对齐性能和知觉的发生。咖啡巨头的MapChange 2010感知和实际成绩几乎是相同的。“竞争,品牌必须创新,最好的创新往往是可持续的,”马克Stoiber说,变化的创始人,领导了这项研究。“但即使是不够的在今天的市场。品牌需要迅速产生可持续的创新和有效沟通。当他们不,当绿色创新不是面向消费者,他们牺牲的一些竞争优势作为一个绿色领袖。“气候变化研究结合实际测量的行动,是企业领导人包括类别,如可口可乐、达能集团,耐克、差距,宝洁、欧莱雅、微软和Amazon.com,在2009年。得分在气候行动提供的气候方面的年度气候变化研究的知名消费品公司。 The perception measurements included more than 2,000 American adults in a random sample and were measured by Angus Reid. The companies were grouped by sector, with their scores illustrated in ‘perception / reality’ maps. Across every sector, MapChange 2010 shows a disparity between actual sustainability activity of brands and consumer perception of the sustainable activity of those brands. In the banking sector, Wells Fargo got the top score in consumer perception (66 out of 100). Its actual sustainability score was less than half of that (27). Deutsche Bank, which consumers viewed as the least green (37), was among the top three in actual performance (66). Across all sectors, the overall trend is toward higher perceived sustainability by consumers as compared to 2008, which is when the inaugural MapChange study was conducted (not in collaboration with Angus Reid Public Opinion and Climate Counts). "The MapChange study adds a provocative dimension to the company climate scoring our group has been doing for over three years," said Climate Counts Executive Director Wood Turner. "To move the marketplace forward on climate change, we need both the real corporate action and the heightened consumer awareness that will bridge the disconnect the study reveals." “This study is a wake-up call for companies that don’t yet see green as a potent opportunity for new profits,” said Rafael Viton, president and partner of Maddock Douglas. “The real leaders are using green as a platform for developing products, services and business models that drive both their bottom line and positive global change.” “These are the relatively early days,” adds Stoiber. “There’s still plenty of room for breakthrough innovation.” The MapChange 2010 reports are available atwww.getmapchange.com。媒体联络:詹娜肯尼迪,jenna.k@maddockdouglas.com,630-563-6443。关于改变和Maddock道格拉斯是一个咨询公司,专注于绿色品牌创新。自2005年以来,专家们改变了公司使用可持续性实现竞争优势通过创造和品牌产品良好的对世界和底线。金博宝怎么注册Maddock道格拉斯,有望获得的改变,存在给市场带来全行业的想法。医学使用的机构创新®服务发明相关新产品、服务和商业模式,然后品牌推出188bet上不了最好的想法。它帮助客户带来创新市场。关于气候气候下是一个非盈利活动,许多公司每年的基础上他们的自愿行动扭转气候变化。气候统计公司2007年6月Scorecard-launched——帮助人们与他们的美元通过投票climate-conscious采购和投资选择施加压力是世界上最著名的公司认真对待气候变化问题。安格斯•里德民意安格斯•里德民意是视觉关键——全球的公共事务实践研究和技术公司专业定制的在线板、私人社区,和创新的在线方法。VisionCritical互联网的使用是一个领袖和富媒体技术来收集高质量,为广泛的客户深入的见解。 Dr. Angus Reid and the Angus Reid Strategies team are pioneers in online research methodologies, and have been conducting online surveys since 1995. CC4456