加利福尼亚州的账单将为投资者,消费者和其他Stakeholders Key Information About Companies’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2023年1月30日 / 3BL媒体 / -CERES欢迎在加利福尼亚参议院引入两项法案,这些法案将使投资者,消费者和其他利益相关者对公司为解决气候危机的财务风险的努力更加了解。
今天揭幕,这两项法案 - 《公司气候数据责任法》(Wiener)和与气候有关的风险披露法(Stern)分别要求在加利福尼亚运营的公司在其供应和价值链中报告其温室气体排放,以及报告其与气候相关的风险与主要企业自愿使用的领先标准一致。
“Investors are demanding more information about companies’ climate risks, impacts, and transition plans, because they know that companies have a fiduciary duty to mitigate the considerable financial risks of the climate crisis and take advantage of the economic opportunities in confronting this challenge. What’s more, leading companies increasingly support disclosure requirements, because they recognize they have a better opportunity to attract capital by showing they are taking the climate crisis seriously,” saidCERES加速器董事总经理Steven Rothstein可持续资本市场。“随着联邦政府濒临为上市公司要求气候披露的边缘,这些加利福尼亚州的法案证明了强制性气候披露的势头。他们表明,各州可以通过扩大自己在自己的经济体中这种关键财务风险的披露来发挥关键作用。”
The bills would complement the美国证券交易委员会提议的规则,要求上市公司气候披露,以及预计将在今年最终确定的全球标准IFRS的国际可持续性标准委员会。金博宝怎么注册
They also signal the continued momentum for disclosure rules worldwide. In 2021, nearly 800 companies worldwide拜访了20国国的领导人要求公司气候披露。去年,代表39万亿美元管理资产的500多名投资者呼吁全球政府加强气候披露标准,包括通过强制性报告,作为该标准2022年全球投资者声明。
Because the California bills would apply to both public and private companies over certain revenue thresholds it would broaden the coverage of companies required to provide information beyond the SEC’s proposed disclosure standards.
Previous iterations of the California bills吸引了支持来自多家主要公司,包括鳄梨绿品牌,格罗夫合作社,宜家美国和内华达州内华达州酿酒公司,以及代表数百亿美元管理资产的投资者,例如波士顿普通资产管理,布鲁内尔养老金伙伴关系资产管理和Trillium资产管理。
In a 2022 letter to lawmakers, the investors noted that it is not enough to accept voluntary climate disclosure from some companies because participation is limited and existing disclosures do not provide “comprehensive, decision-useful information needed to ensure a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous future.”
谷神星是一家非营利组织,专注于气候和可持续性的经济和金融风险,数十年来一直倡导气候披露计划。金博宝怎么注册Its work has included the development of a standardized global sustainability reporting framework in 1997, the mobilization of investors in support of voluntary SEC reporting guidance in 2010, and ongoing efforts to support and help shape the SEC’s proposed climate disclosure rule, which is expected to be finalized early this year. Ceres has also supported California lawmakers in their push for climate disclosure in recent years.
“California will soon be the world’s fourth largest economy, and between torrential storms to ravaging wildfires, it is feeling the effects of climate change with greater intensity each year,” saidCERES国家政策高级总监Alli Gold Roberts。“全经济中的利益相关者(包括投资者,消费者,工人和社区)都有充分的理由知道公司正在采取什么解决这些影响并保持州经济的稳健。我们敦促立法机关通过这两项法案,并期待与投资者,公司和立法者合作,今年将这些法案转变为法律。”
Ceres is a nonprofit organization working with the most influential capital market leaders to solve the world’s greatest sustainability challenges. Through our powerful networks and global collaborations of investors, companies and nonprofits, we drive action and inspire equitable market-based and policy solutions throughout the economy to build a just and sustainable future. For more information, visitCeres.organd follow @CeresNews.
媒体联系人:Helen Booth-Tobin