加利福尼亚的新清洁汽车标准将加速Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Across States

加利福尼亚的新清洁汽车标准将加速Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Across States

Major companies, institutions, and investors supported the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II rule to accelerate the shift to zero-emission passenger vehicles and reduce climate and air pollution.

Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 5:40pm



August 25, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Ceres joins major companies and employers in California to celebrate the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II rule, which will build upon the state’s history of leadership in deploying cleaner and more efficient vehicles across the U.S. and support the auto industry’s shift to a zero-emissions future.

在考虑几个月后,加州空气资源委员会今天批准了新的轻型车辆标准,并得到了主要公司,机构和投资者的大力支持。原始的高级清洁汽车规则于2012年采用了加利福尼亚州根据《清洁空气法》制定自己的汽车标准的权力,增强了乘用车效率标准,同时要求汽车制造商引入越来越多的零排放模型。ACC II扩展了该政策,到2035年对该州100%零排放车辆销售的要求。


“我们感谢加利福尼亚空气资源委员会进一步推动向更清洁的运输系统转移。”CERES国家政策高级总监Alli Gold Roberts,与公司和投资者合作的可持续性解决方案的非营利组织。金博宝怎么注册“加入ACC计划的各州已经为前瞻性公司带来了公民清洁空气,更省油的车辆和更好的商业环境。供应链中的汽车行业和公司清楚地表明,零排放车是未来的方式,我们敦促这些州和其他人现在采用这种实用解决方案,以帮助促进市场并指导这种过渡。”



“雄心勃勃的清洁汽车II计划对于实现我们的气候目标并保持美国经济有竞争力至关重要。但也许对我们来说最重要的是:该法规将改善公共卫生并降低对我们社区的健康成本。”Rachelle Wenger, system vice president for public policy and advocacy engagement, Dignity Health。“对于低收入和BIPOC社区而言,这尤其如此,这些社区更有可能生活在主要运输中心附近。在我们的道路上获得更多干净的车辆将减少呼吸道疾病和住院治疗,从而改善全国社区和医疗保健系统的健康和福祉。”

“IKEA USA is committed to 100% zero emissions home deliveries by 2025. To achieve our vision for a clean transportation future, we need smart policies to help accelerate the availability of and access to zero-emission vehicles of all types and size,” saidMichael Hughes, U.S. public affairs lead, IKEA USA。“雄心勃勃的清洁汽车II计划是一项关键政策,将使我们更接近我们的气候目标,减少空气污染并建立更清洁的经济。”

In addition to its work on zero-emission passenger vehicles, Ceres is also working with companies to advocate for smart policies to support the shift to clean transportation by getting more zero-emission trucks and vans for larger commercial fleets on the roads. Last year, more than 70 companies that want access to clean vehicles throughout their supply chains signed a letter calling on states to adopt the先进的干净卡车规则,在未来几年中为零排放卡车和货车设定了强大的销售目标。像先进的清洁汽车一样,先进的清洁卡车规则首先在加利福尼亚批准,然后由其他几个州采用,寻求雄心勃勃的解决方案来解决其运输污染挑战。

The California Air Resources Board is also expected to decide this fall on the Advanced Clean Fleets rule, which would transition medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales in the state to 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2040.

谷神星is a nonprofit organization working with the most influential capital market leaders to solve the world’s greatest sustainability challenges. Through our powerful networks and global collaborations of investors, companies and nonprofits, we drive action and inspire equitable market-based and policy solutions throughout the economy to build a just and sustainable future. For more information, visit ceres.org and follow @CeresNews.

媒体联系人:Helen Booth-Tobin

类别: Environment