(3提单媒体/可比我们北安普敦,金博宝手机版网页MA - 9月6日,2011 - 2012年的社会创新奖励为公司提出了一个论坛来突出他们的最新实际应用对推动社会和环保责任和创新在他们的组织。
社会创新奖项在2009年初启动以来,他们已经认识到公司开创性的实现策略和计划,推动社会和环境责任和创新。来自商界的响应已经压倒性的:超过40%的财富100强参加最后的188bet网址怎么打不开奖励计划。以前的获奖者有汤森路透基金会,SAP, s . c . Johnson &儿子,Inc .)、诺基亚(Nokia)、思科系统、诺和诺德公司,赫尔曼米勒公司,Gap Inc .,更美好的世界的书籍,在其他领先公司和组织。提交申请奖项可能9月1日开始和应用阶段将持续到11月30日,2011年。应用程序可以在www.socialinnovationawards.com通过发邮件innovation@justmeans.com。欢迎申请人提交多个应用程序在所有类别。对即将到来的社会创新奖项类别包括:金融:最好的社会投资策略——这个奖项将认识到公司与社会最好的投资策略,一个概念,是指企业投资金融资产的方式来推进事业或程序都社会和经济回报。人力资源:最佳员工参与策略——这个奖项将公司展示了最好的沟通策略和/或程序激活员工参与企业的可持续发展。金博宝怎么注册营销和沟通:充分利用新媒体——这一类的会奖公司展示了最好的利用新媒体,包括游戏、位置、社交媒体、听力平台、众包,促进社会和环境变化和移动设备。这个奖项将适用于公司内两家公司和特定的品牌。营销和沟通:最好的综合报告——这个奖项类别将展示该公司所做的最将社会和环境资产和负债集成到无缝结合财务和非财务报告。虽然综合报告仍是新兴的领域,这类将奖励最进步的公司整合金融和非金融性能指标。营销和沟通:最好的在线报告——这个奖项就去公司,创造了最好的在线和丰富经验在可持续发展,企业社会责任、环境、社会和治理,或者集成“报告”。金博宝怎么注册金博宝手机版网页营销和沟通:最佳利益相关方参与——这就去公司,最好能证明其公司战略利益相关者参与。 Stakeholder engagement involves the methods by which companies participate in multi-way communications with key influencers in their business, including investors, activists, employees, customers or government bodies. Many companies make commitments to stakeholder engagement but often fail to act on the priorities of stakeholders. Companies that wish to win this award should showcase a particular example (or series of examples) of how the company has changed corporate strategy as a direct response to stakeholder input. Operations: Best Sustainability Performance Award - This award will go to the company that has made the most substantial gains in reducing its “footprint” over the past twelve months while maintaining financial performance. Product: Best Product Design – This award will go to the company that has developed best green product. New green products involve innovations in product design and efficiency that helps to maintain sustainability throughout the product life cycle. Product: Best Incorporation of Ethical Sourcing/Certification - The award will go to the company that has made the most integrated and substantial commitment to ethically sourced materials, ingredients, etc. This award will be open to both companies and particular brands. Philanthropy: Most Strategic Use of Philanthropic Funds - Strategic philanthropy entails the contribution of money or time to causes that align with company operations, such that giving also contributes to the industry's sustainability. Winners of the main categories will be selected by a panel of judges who have expertise in the areas of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and social innovation. The awards will be presented at a ceremony in Spring 2012. About Justmeans (@Justmeans)Justmeans是世界领先的可持续的商业行业的信息来源和联系。成立于2008年,公司迅速增长的在线社区从业人员、投资者、记者、活动家、和学生250000注册用户。188bet网址怎么打不开各种各样的公司依靠Justmeans新闻分布服务创建、分发,并分析性能对媒体发布相关的社会和环境性能。188bet上不了Justmeans子公司3提单媒体,LLC。http://justmeans.com 。JM16575