Booz Allen Women in Cyber

Booz Allen Women in Cyber

Meet some of Booz Allen's key women in Cyber and Tech.

Content from this campaign

Booz Allen’s Duvelza Saenz on Cyber, Leadership, and Shaping a Multicultural Tech Workforce
Growing up, there were only two careers that interested Booz Allen Lead Associate Duvelza Saenz: cyber warrior or Xena the Warrior Princess. Lucky for the cyber world, Booz Allen, and the many women and girls Saenz mentors and supports, she went with the former. A passion for bringing people together—including the next generation “I enjoy the collaborative...
Oct 23, 2019 7:00 AM ET
From Dismantling a ’68 Corvette to Securing Connected Cars: Booz Allen’s Alexandra Heckler Shares Her Story
当亚历山德拉·赫克勒(Alexandra Heckler)六岁时,她和父亲撕裂了他的68岁的克尔维特(Corvette),并连续三遍将其放回原处。她说:“他正在教我对解决问题有不同的思考。”今天,赫克勒(Heckler)是Booz Allen的商业交通业务的高级合伙人,与世界上一些最大的汽车制造商合作,弄清楚什么是好...
Oct 16, 2019 8:50 AM ET
A Booz Allen Cyber Leader Shares Her Technology Journey
Booz Allen Lead Associate Jyoti Wadhwa helps pharma companies and healthcare manufacturers understand their cyber risk and guard against threats. It’s a complicated mission in today’s world of escalating attacks, IT automation, and overall digital transformation. “The ultimate mission is to serve the patient,” she said. “You’re there because the organization must provide a secure...
Sep 19, 2019 2:40 PM ET
Booz Allen’s Sarah Olsen Shares Her Cyber Journey and Career Advice
Sarah Olsen installed her first security patch as a teenager, responding to a remote buffer overflow attack—known as a “nuke”—in the early days of the internet. Today she leads risk assessments for cyber-physical systems in a variety of domains at Booz Allen. Olsen shares highlights from her career journey—and advice for others who have a passion for cyber. A career that...
Aug 5, 2019 1:20 PM ET
Learning and Evolving in Cyber With Booz Allen’s Jackie Mady
“Over the past four years, I’ve discovered that cybersecurity isn’t just a buzzword or Hollywood field. There is so much potential in this industry to make an impact on a daily basis.” Jackie Mady started out her career as a communications coordinator in the energy industry. Today, she’s an associate in Booz Allen’s Strategic Innovation Group supporting a range of...
Jun 4, 2019 11:45 AM ET
