




T. Rowe Price通过五步计划重新推出了Money自信的儿童网站
T. Rowe Price重新启动了其Money PresentionKids®计划,这是一项金融教育计划,向中学时代的儿童讲授基本财务概念,这是一个新的五步计划,并具有刷新的网站。


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T. Rowe Price:许多父母说大学费用不是他们的责任,但大多数孩子都希望他们覆盖


T. Rowe价格:三明治一代应变对孩子及其金钱习惯产生负面影响
T. Rowe价格’s 2019 Parents, Kids & Money Survey, which sampled 1,005 parents of 8 to 14 year olds and their kids, found that stress among parents who are caring for both their kids and aging family members, commonly known as the sandwich generation, is negatively impacting their money habits and their kids’ money habits.


T. Rowe价格:在假期愿望清单上获得所有内容的孩子更有可能养成花费习惯
T. Rowe价格’s 2018 Parents Kids & Money Survey, which sampled 1,013 parents of 8 to 14 year olds nationally, found that parents who try to get everything on their kids’ holiday wish lists are more likely to report that they have gone into debt for their kids, worry that they’re spoiling their kids, and have kids who are less likely to save their own money. Additionally, parents who participate in promotional days, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, are more likely to splurge. The survey was conducted in January 2018, shortly after the 2017 holiday season.


T. Rowe价格:父母对大学成本的压力减少了,并且在覆盖他们方面变得更加明智
T. Rowe价格’s tenth annual Parents, Kids & Money Survey revealed an increase among parents of 8 to 14 year-olds in effective college savings attitudes and behaviors and a decrease in anxiety about college costs when compared with results from the ninth and eighth annual Parents, Kids & Money Surveys.


高中生使用Star BanksAdventure®应用程序“游戏取得成功的方式”
电子邮件开始说:“亲爱的克里斯托夫女士,我叫奥利维亚·佩里尼(Olivia Perini),我是纽约哈里森高中(Harrison High School)的九年级学生。对于我们的高中DECA俱乐部项目,我和我的两个合作伙伴被分配了提出金融素养促进的任务。我们选择使用T. Rowe Price Star Banks Adventure应用程序来促进学校的金融​​知识。”


T. Rowe Price:“成人”在没有任何金融教育的情况下更难
T. Rowe Price的第十个年度父母,儿童和货币调查显示,在学校接受金融教育可能会对几年后的财务行为产生积极影响。该调查对1,000名年轻人进行了取样,发现那些在学校接受一些金融教育的人(59%)比在学校没有接受任何金融教育的人(41%)的人更有可能有良好的储蓄习惯。


T. Rowe价格:坚持假期支出预算的父母更有可能在线购物
T. Rowe价格’s 2017 Parents Kids & Money Survey, which sampled parents of 8 to 14 year olds nationally and their kids, found that 72% of the parents surveyed set a specific budget for holiday spending, yet 58% of the parents surveyed agree that they spend more money during the holidays than they intended.


T. Rowe价格:只有男孩的父母比只有女孩的父母更优先
T. Rowe价格’s 2017 Parents, Kids & Money Survey, which sampled parents of 8 to 14 year olds nationally and their kids, looked at households with kids of only one gender and found that parents who have all boys are going to greater lengths to support their kids’ college education than parents of all girls.

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