

A commitment to diversityis woven into our work force, supply base, marketing efforts, dealer network, and our communities. This commitment is longstanding and part of the FCA culture. Encouraging diversity throughout our extended enterprise is not only the right thing to do, but it breeds innovation, mutual respect and openness, and is vital to our sustainability as a company.

Content from this campaign

Stellantis Women's Leadership Experience Earns Second Coveted Brandon Hall Award
Silver Award earned in 2021 added to company’s Bronze Award earned in 2020 Program seeks to reverse the effect of several societal trends identified in McKinsey & Company’s Women in the Workplace Report Third class of Stellantis women graduated from the program in October 2021 Methodology expanding to support the launch of two new leadership programs...
Dec 2, 2021 10:20 AM ET
Stellantis Reinstates Domestic Partner Benefits for Non-bargaining Unit U.S. Employees
New benefit applies to all eligible U.S. employees despite their partner status (same- and opposite-sex) Part of company’s observance of LGBTQ+ History Month, National Coming Out Day and National Spirit Day, honoring LGBTQ history and issues Company recognized as a leader among U.S. employers for providing domestic partner benefits to same-sex couples in 2000
Oct 11, 2021 9:30 AM ET
Stellantis Named Among Top Employers for Latinas
Seventeenth year the company has been included in the LATINA Style Top 50 Report since the benchmark was established in 1998 Report is the most respected evaluation of corporate America’s employment opportunities and policies as they pertain to Latinas Company is the highest rated automaker in the 2020 report
Apr 29, 2021 10:35 AM ET
FCA Wins Back-to-Back 'Corporation of the Year' Honors From the National Minority Supplier Development Council
Award recognizes company’s leadership in expanding opportunities for minority suppliers FCA now tracking spend with LGBTQ- and disable-owned enterprises More than $80 billion purchased from minority-owned, women-owned and veteran-owned suppliers since 1983 November 12, 2020 /3BL Media/ - FCA was named National Minority Supplier Development Council’s (NMSDC)...
Nov 12, 2020 8:30 AM ET
Prestigious leadership roster issued by Automotive News every five years since 2000 Recognizes women leaders who make major decisions, have significant influence at their companies and throughout the automotive industry FCA selectees are experts in a range of fields representing the depth of FCA’s talent and its commitment to...
Nov 9, 2020 11:00 AM ET
