Duckprints in the Community

Duckprints in the Community

公司有责任使我们生活和工作更好的地方。Learn more关于我们如何回馈社区,包括阿夫拉克(Aflac)的詹姆斯·梅曼(James Mailman)如何因他在抗击儿童癌症的斗争中的支持而被评为2015年《财富》 500强的英雄之一。

Videos From This Campaign

Content from this campaign

Aflac Sickle Cell Awareness with Jordin Sparks
乔丹·斯帕克斯(Jordin Sparks)是美国偶像中最年轻的冠军,多白金粉的热门歌曲如《战地风云》和《没有空气》。人们可能对巨巨人不了解的是镰状细胞疾病如何影响她的家人。乔丹的继承人死于这种疾病,现在她正在与Aflac合作进行一项特别的运动,以支持生病的孩子。
Emory to Get $5 Million Gift to Boost Primary Care Doctors in Georgia
作者:埃默里大学医学院的水晶埃德蒙森(Crystal Edmonson)正在手臂上获得财务投放,以帮助缓解佐治亚州初级保健医生的影响。凯瑟伦和...
Oct 11, 2021 9:00 AM ET
By Virgil Miller Whether due to reluctance, being busy or apprehension, doctor visits do not rank high on men’s priority lists. In fact, ...
Jul 21, 2021 10:00 AM ET
My Special Aflac Duck®
Dan Amos, Aflac Incorporated CEO and Chairman: “I think it symbolizes all the things we are and want to continue to be, and that is to help kids and to try to make a difference in their lives.” Jon Sullivan, Director of Corporate Communications: “Well you know, children are like consumers in a way in that when you give them something that they like,...
Jul 15, 2021 10:00 AM ET
Social Responsibility in Action
James Mailman, Field Liaison Manager: “Well, a lot of people go to work for a paycheck. That’s it. They don’t care about anything else. Aflac cares about everything else. When I first got out of the Navy, I came here, and I applied to several different places. And I was hoping to get on at Aflac for the simple reason that they take care of people. When I found out their...
6月28日,2021年10:00 AM ET


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