
纽约,2011年5月23日,爱思唯尔基金会正在寻求新的拨款提案2011新学者计划目标有才华的女科学家在学术管道的磨损。爱思唯尔基金会新学者计划旨在支持女性在职业生涯的早期阶段学者在科学、技术、工程和数学(杆)。新学者建议的最后期限是2011年9月1日。赠款将授予2011年12月,provideone 2和3年奖每年5000美元到50000美元之间。在线爱思唯尔基金会申请过程将从7月1日接受提议从9月1日www.elsevierfoundation.org。在过去的五年里,二十多个新学者赠款授予支持女科学家的发展在发达国家和发展中国家。项目主要集中在建立一个家庭友好型学术界通过指导、宣传、基础研究,双重职业旅行和招聘赠款,哺乳期中心、儿童保育专业会议和工作与生活满意度专题讨论会。“神奇的一系列新学者资助我们已经收到在过去五年已经告诉我们,促进妇女的进步在干细胞领域不能通过宣传、活动或决策,”大卫•鲁斯指出爱思唯尔基金会的执行董事”,它需要一种综合的方法,制度变迁和个人发展。我们相信,新学者计划地址的关键,往往隐藏,问题影响成就女性的发展和保留。对爱思唯尔“# # #
爱思唯尔是一个世界领先的提供科学、技术和医学信息产品和服务。188bet上不了公司运作与全球科学和健康社区发布超过2000种期刊,包括《柳叶刀》细胞,接近20000本图书,包括主要参考书处于和桑德斯。爱思唯尔的在线解决方案包括SciVerse ScienceDirect,SciVerse斯高帕斯,Reaxys,医学咨询护理咨询,提高科学和卫生专业人员的生产力,和SciVal套件MEDai的精确评估,有助于研究和卫生保健机构更有效地提供更好的结果。全球商业总部设在阿姆斯特丹,爱思唯尔在全球范围内雇佣了7000名员工。该公司的一部分里德爱思唯尔集团世界领先的出版商和信息提供者,共同拥有的里德爱思唯尔PLC和里德爱思唯尔NV。股票符号是任(阿姆斯特丹泛欧交易所),REL(伦敦证券交易所),RUK和ENL(纽约证券交易所)。媒体接触Ylann Schemm + 31日20 485 2025爱思唯尔的基础y.schemm@elsevier.com# # #格兰特指南新学者计划呼吁建议截止日期:2011年9月1日


新学者计划支持项目帮助早期至中期女科学家学术职业平衡家庭责任和要求。新学者寻求积极的解决有才华的女科学家的损耗率由工作与生活的平衡问题。基金会提供一、二和三年的资助机构和组织积极朝着一个更公平的学术界:·鼓励网络和合作机构和/或茎之间的学科的方式支持教职员工与家庭责任的挑战。·倡导和政策发展制定和实施战略推进知识、意识,和应用程序保留,招募和发展女性在科学和/或。使科学家们能够参加会议,会议、研讨会和座谈会,对科学事业的发展至关重要,帮助他们照顾孩子和其他家庭责任当参加科学会议。优先考虑的建议显然证明以下;·女性在科学发展的制度框架,通过战略规划、政策框架,领导的承诺和/或一个项目相关的活动。·开发创新项目的想法。·创建和促进跨机构合作网络和/或学科。·开发模型程序,将鼓励女性在科学领域继续努力推进。 · Promote partnerships and knowledge sharing among institutions, including between institutions in the developed and developing world. · A willingness to draw from the expertise and experience of previous New Scholar grantees . · Have specific plans for sustainability beyond the funding period. · Embody plans for dissemination beyond the awardee organization of policies, procedures, and “lessons learned” that are developed during the funding period. · Describe clear criteria and objectives to be achieved through the grant funding. · Present realistic budgets tied to outcomes. New Scholars Guidelines Proposals are welcome for single-year grants in amounts between US$5,000 to US$50,000. Proposals will be accepted for multi-year programs (up to three years) for grant amounts of US$5,000 to US$50,000 per year. Grant proposals should be submitted online no later than September 1 2011. Awards will be announced in December 2011. Proposals should be focused and well-defined, and must address each of the following elements: · Cover letter: Provide a one-page description of the objectives and key activities of the program. Include contact details and the amount of funding requested. · Goals and plan: A clear description of the program goals and implementation plan, including timeframe. · Innovation: How will the program introduce new ideas, capabilities and/or capacity for the institution or country. How the program would serve as a model for others. · Impact: The significance of the program’s intended impact on science, health and society in that country or globally. · Sustainability: How will the benefits of the program be sustained after the grant has been expended. · Budget: The total amount of the grant requested and justification for the requested amount, including a clear budget overview spreadsheet that indicates in as much detail as possible intended expenditures and other sources of funding, if any. · Evaluation: How the program will be measured and evaluated and how its results will be reported. · Organization and partnership: A description of the organization requesting the grant, confirmation of its status as a non-profit entity, and a listing of key officers and staff who will direct the implementation of the program. Description of key program partners, if any. · Length: Applications may only be submitted online through the Elsevier Foundation’s online application system. · Final Report for Awarded Grants: The Elsevier Foundation requires a final report from grantees at the time of completion of funded activities. The report should be both descriptive and evaluative, and include: o Detailed summary of activities during the grant period o Internal and external media coverage generated o Accounting report of grant expenditures o Assessment of project goals (including level of achievement) Awards must be submitted online via爱思唯尔基金会格兰特的在线应用程序建议系统7月1日之间和9月15日th。请不要犹豫地与爱思唯尔基金会联系任何问题关于你的提议的发展。爱思唯尔基金会
美国纽约10010手机:+ 31-20-485-2025









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