HP Inc. | Human Rights

HP Inc. | Human Rights
HP believes in creating an inclusive, equitable, and empowering culture for its employees and a platform for human rights that extends beyond HP, striving推动与种族主义作斗争,倡导人权并促进全球社会正义的政策变化。HP has one of the most diverse board of directors of any U.S. technology company, and is one of the top technology companies for women in executive positions.

Empowered Workers:Through its supply chain responsibility program, HP works to improve labor conditions within supplier factories, tackle industry-wide challenges such as forced labor and conflict minerals, and build essential worker and management skills and capabilities. HP aims to reach one million workers through worker empowerment programs by 2030.

Culture of Inclusion:HP aims to be the leading brand for racial equity and social justice in the technology industry, embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion into everything HP does. The company has a bold goal to achieve 50/50 gender equality in leadershiip by 2030, the first Fortune 100 Tech Company to do so.

Social Justice:惠普种族平等和社会正义工作队帮助惠普确定并执行HP作为一家公司的最大机会,以提高种族平等的可持续影响。该工作队以一系列全面的目标为指导,该目标将加快围绕黑人和非裔美国人人才的管道,保留和晋升的战略,实践和政策;利用惠普的行业消费能力来影响其生态系统,包括惠普的合作伙伴,供应商和巨人;并通过公共政策,公民行动以及对地方和民族问题的明确立场来倡导黑人和非裔美国人。Lean more and follow HP's progress这里.

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Two HP Directors Land Savoy’s Power 300 List
By Rhea Mathew, Communications and Public Relations Manager, HP News At a time when racial divisions in the U.S. – and other parts of the world – seem to be more prevalent, HP is quietly taking pride in the work that it’s doing to bring about change. For a company the size of HP, one of the areas...
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HP Nationally Ranked for Commitment to Diversity
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HP Ranks Among Supply Chain Leaders
HP was ranked 17 in the Gartner 2016 Supply Chain Top 25 released last week. HP also scored 10 out of 10 for Corporate Social Responsibility – the first time Gartner has included this category. The rankings, which are released annually, identify supply chain leaders and highlight their best practices. You can read the entire press release...
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HP, Inc. joins Coca-Cola Company, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IKEA, and Unilever to launch a new collaboration, the Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, focused on promoting ethical recruitment and combating the exploitation of migrant workers in global supply chains across industries. ...
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