

Lilly advances global health through the medicines it makes and by advancing the global body of scientific knowledge. Yet Lilly also works to improve global health through a number of programs and partnerships that seek to improve access to medicines, strengthen healthcare systems, and help people in need.

We seek to address some of the world’s most pressing global health problems through our two signature global health programs. TheLilly NCD Partnership莉莉对经济发展中国家非传染性疾病(NCD)负担的负担增加的反应。通过这种伙伴关系,礼来公司正在努力为居住在贫困社区中的人们找到新的解决方案来护理糖尿病。这Lilly MDR-TB Partnershipis focused on treating hard-to-treat tuberculosis, or multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

Our other global health programs include a U.S. patient assistance program – Lilly TruAssist – for those who struggle to pay for Lilly medicines; Lilly Oncology on Canvas, which helps patients and their families as they navigate their cancer journey; and Elanco’s efforts to address hunger by reducing food insecurity.

Content from this campaign

Lilly: Saving Children With Global Insulin Donations
Today’s guest blog comes from David Kendall, M.D., vice president for medical affairs, Lilly Diabetes. The number of people living with diabetes is at an all-time high. More than 380 million people around the world have diabetes, and that number is expected to jump to nearly 600 million by the year 2035. These numbers, of course, include children—many from impoverished...
Jun 4, 2015 4:00 PM ET
Lilly Releases Corporate Responsibility, Global Health Reports
I am excited to share two new reports that provide a comprehensive overview of Lilly’s corporate responsibility efforts. The reports highlight how we are evolving our approach to corporate responsibility by increasingly leveraging our assets and capabilities to have greater, more sustainable impact. The 2014...
May 7, 2015 10:40 AM ET
Lilly: Announcing the 2015 REACH Lilly MDR TB Partnership Media Award Winners
今天的来宾博客来自Lilly在印度的MDR-TB合作伙伴关系高级经理Sunita Prasad。结核病(TB)继续构成巨大的全球健康挑战。该疾病在2013年影响了900万人,并夺去了150万人的生命。在印度,每天有1000人死于结核病,尽管这种疾病是完全可治愈的。记者在...中起着至关重要的作用。
Apr 6, 2015 12:30 PM ET
Lilly: Forging Alliances is Crucial to Fighting Tuberculosis
Today’s guest Blogger is Dr. Lasha Goguadze, Senior Health Officer, Global Tuberculosis Programme, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. He is based in Geneva. On World TB Day, the world focuses on what yet needs to be done to stop this dreaded disease. Equally important is taking stock of what has worked already in order to...
Mar 26, 2015 11:45 AM ET
Lilly: Drug-Resistant TB Demands More R&D
Today's guest blog comes from Lilly's vice president of Global Health Programs, Evan Lee, M.D. A new article published by a team from the World Health Organization in the European Respiratory Journal shows that while we’re seeing gradual expansion in care for multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), there...
