Our Commitment to Health, Safety, Security and Reliability

Our Health, Environmental, Safety and Security Policy describes our commitments to:

  • Protecting the health, safety and security of our passengers, guests, employees and all others working on behalf of the Company, thereby promoting an organization that always strives to be free of injuries, illness and loss.
  • 保护环境,包括我们的船只航行和我们运营的社区的海洋环境,并始终努力防止不利的环境后果,并有效,可持续地使用资源。
  • Complying with or exceeding all legal and statutory requirements related to health, environment, safety, security and sustainability throughout our business activities.
  • Assigning health, environment, safety, security and sustainability matters the same priority as other critical business matters.

Click here for our: Health, Environmental, Safety and Security Policy

嘉年华公司和狂欢节PLC董事会成立了董事会级健康,环境,安全与安全委员会(“ HESS”)委员会,以协助董事会履行其监督和监督HESS政策,计划,海上计划和计划的责任陆上,遵守HESS法律和法规要求。


For more information on our Health, Environment, Safety, Security and Sustainability efforts, click这里.

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公主巡游在Shape Magazine的Healthy Travel Awards中命名为最健康的游轮
Princess Cruises has been recognized by SHAPE magazine as a winner in its fifth annual Healthy Travel Awards for the second consecutive year


P&O Cruises的客人在挽救一辆Ni Van Life中发挥了作用,以便其他人可以保存在健康紧急情况下
当35岁的Ni Van Paramedic培训生Jerome Sese最近遭受了心脏病发作时,P&O Cruises的客人通过对客人资助的P&O Pacific Partnership的贡献而发挥了作用。


Costa Cruises支持船上的“粉红色是好”项目
在第三年进行预防乳腺癌预防月份,Costa Cruises将支持Umberto Veronesi基金会及其粉红色是好项目,该项目旨在确定击败乳房,子宫和卵巢癌,促进预防并向医生和研究人员提供年度资金他们决定奉献自己的生活来研究和治疗这些疾病。


Carnival Cruise Ship Scores Second Straight Perfect 100 Health Score


Holland America Line’s ms Oosterdam Continues Company’s Streak with a Perfect Score of 100 on United States Public Health Inspection
Holland America Line’s ms Oosterdam joins sister-ship ms Eurodam this year by earning a perfect score of 100 on a routine United States Public Health (USPH) inspection conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Holland America Line’s ms Eurodam Makes Industry History with 11th Consecutive Score of 100 on United States Public Health Inspection
Holland America Line’s ms Eurodam continues to raise the bar even higher for cruise ships visiting the United States by earning its 11th consecutive perfect score of 100 on a routine United States Public Health (USPH) inspection conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Holland America Line’s ms Koningsdam Receives Perfect Score of 100 on First United States Public Health Inspection
Holland America Line’s ms Koningsdam earned a perfect score of 100 on its first routine United States Public Health inspection conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The ship launched in April 2016 in Europe and made its maiden visit to the United States in November.


嘉年华胜利连续第二次获得100 U.S.P.H.检查得分
Carnival Victory scored 100 during its recent United States Public Health (U.S.P.H.) inspection which took place in Port Canaveral, Fla. This marks the second consecutive time the ship has achieved a perfect U.S.P.H inspection score.


2015 Pacific Ocean Pilot Rescue Earns Holland America Line an AMVER Award
荷兰美国女士Veendam的船长和船员在海上救援协会(Associon for Sea)授予了享有声望的Afras Amver奖,该奖项是2015年的飞行员救援人员,该飞行员在夏威夷附近的太平洋中抛弃了他的飞机。

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