P&G | Environmental Sustainability

P&G | Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Responsibility:我们已经实现了2010年设定的16个环境目标中的14个Ambition 2030品牌,供应链,社会和员工的目标。7月,我们宣布了最新的气候行动 - 一项新的承诺,以推动一系列的一系列自然气候解决方案over the next 10 years that will put us on track to be carbon neutral for the decade. We’ve also committed that 100% of our packaging will be recyclable or reusable and to reducing virgin plastic in packaging by 50% by 2030.
We’ve accelerated our commitments to protect forests. Responsible sourcing is essential for not just our business, but more importantly, for the environment and people who depend on it. In our Family Care business, 100% of the wood pulp we use in our products is third-party certified to ensure forests are responsibly managed. For every tree we use, at least one is regrown. Our shareholders have asked us to issue a report assessing how we can further increase the scale, pace and rigor of our efforts on responsible forestry. We are engaging with and learning from shareholders and stakeholders who supported this resolution, and we will provide that report in mid-2021.

For more information, click here.

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