P&G | Equality & Inclusion

P&G | Equality & Inclusion

Equality & Inclusion:我们渴望创建一个公司和一个所有人都可以实现平等和包容的世界;尊重和包容是我们文化的基石;每个人都可以使用平等的学习,成长,成功和成长的机会。我们加大了为所有人提供平等的努力。我们建立了宝洁Take On Race Fundto help fuel organizations that fight for justice, advance economic opportunity, enable greater access to education and health care and make our communities more equitable. And we continued our series of films that shine a light on inequality and spark dialogue, including:Circumstances,Estamos UnidosandThe Choice. We created “Can’t Cancel Pride: COVID-19 Relief Benefit for the LGBTQ+ Community” as a virtual relief effort to helpraise visibilityand funds for LGBTQ+ communities most impacted by COVID-19. Our Company and brands continued to use their voice to advance gender and intersectional equality. We supported the TIME 100 Women of the Year project, spotlighting influential women from 1920 to present day who made tremendous contributions to humanity.

Content from this campaign

New Podcast Series “Equal Too” Fosters Game-Changing Conversations About Achieving Disability Equality
P&G announced the launch of a new podcast series focusing on topics important to the disabled community. Entitled “Equal Too: Achieving Disability Equality,” the six-part podcast series is produced by P&G Studios in partnership with Harder Than You Think, the team behind the award-winning Netflix documentary Rising Phoenix. The series focuses on the biggest challenges faced by the...
Sep 9, 2021 11:00 AM ET
August is Black Business month and P&G is proud to be working with Black-owned External Business Partners who share our commitment to Equality & Inclusion. Our suppliers are delivering on diversity by putting it at the forefront of their businesses. And together, we’re committed to creating change through more jobs, opportunities and business ventures. Watch their stories to see...
Aug 31, 2021 10:15 AM ET
P&G Partners启动Womenentrepreneurs4 -Good倡议
Priya Selvaraj, a German entrepreneur and founder of Naturblatt (LeafCulture), knows it needs curative and creative iteration for a business idea to be viable. Selvaraj was one of nine finalists named among the most promising green projects for the first edition of the...
Jul 16, 2021 10:15 AM ET
"A Beacon in the Middle of the Shenandoah Valley" For LGBTQ+ People
当艾米莉·斯普洛尔(Emily Sproul)陷入雪兰多亚谷LGBTQ中心执行董事的角色时,她发现这是她从未知道自己想要的梦想工作。当她接管中心时,她的四个孩子中有两个出来了,她知道该中心提供给弗吉尼亚州斯汤顿市的LGBTQ+社区的资源类型。188bet网址怎么打不开“我...
2021年6月18日,12:50 PM ET
Leading With Love During Pride Month 2021
Pride has a different look this year, featuring less masks and more in-person celebrations. However, the meaning and purpose behind advocating for and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community is just as – if not more – important. At P&G, we strive to Lead with Love not only during Pride Month, but every month. Whether we’re in a global pandemic or not, the LGBTQ+ community faces complex and...
Jun 10, 2021 1:15 PM ET
