
阿尔伯森公司的商店不仅仅是购买杂货的地方。We're part of your neighborhood, and we believe in making each of our communities a better place to live and work. Through fundraising, volunteer efforts and other charitable actions, our stores in our operating areas provide customized outreach and localized support.



Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

艾伯森公司Thanks Generous Customers for Record-breaking Donations Toward Nourishing Neighbors Childhood Hunger Relief
Thanks to the generosity of customers, the Albertsons Companies Nourishing Neighbors community relief fund raised a record $9.3 million in its September campaign to provide healthy breakfasts for children in need across its market areas.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Watch: Jewel-Osco Raised $100,000 to Help in the Fight Against Cancer
"Thank you to our friends at Jewel-Osco who always step up to the plate to help our families. $100,000 to support our Hope44 program which provide grants for cancer families to pay everyday household expenses. We are so incredibly thankful for your continued support, especially during these difficult times!"

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

每个孩子都应该得到健康的早餐。这就是艾伯森公司(Albertsons Companies)的滋养邻居社区救济基金(Community Relief Fund)的立场,该188bet网址怎么打不开基金将使客户能够捐款以帮助为儿童提供数百万早餐。

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

艾伯森(Albertsons)和Safeway向霍皮族(Hopi Nation)捐赠水和25,000美元
Albertsons and Safeway in Arizona partnered with St. Vincent DePaul Society, Real Hope, and parishioners from St. Patrick’s church to provide a fresh supply of water and $25,000 donation to the Hopi Nation.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Safeway Raises $454,018 As Part Of Feeding America's 2020 Great American Milk Drive
Safeway and Safeway Foundation与FeedingAmerican®合作,并通过今年的American Milk Drive筹集了454,018美元。哥伦比亚特区,马里兰州,弗吉尼亚州和特拉华州的Safeway商店在支票摊上收集了客户捐款,以帮助减轻儿童饥饿。

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

San Diego Begins Offering Free Summer Lunches to Children
The city is partnering with…Albertsons Companies' Nourishing Neighbors program to help feed children.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

[Albertsons Companies] has effectively adapted to the vast changes brought by the coronavirus pandemic, implementing comprehensive protections for customers and employees as well as advocating for grocery workers


艾伯森公司Commits $5 Million to Social Justice
阿尔伯森公司今天宣布向社会正义组织以及争取平等斗争的前线捐款500万美元。“种族正义和平等不能通过返回现状的人来实现。总裁兼首席执行官Vivek Sankaran说:“我们必须故意打开持久变革的大门。”

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

科罗拉多州的阿尔伯森(Albertsons and Safeway)和萨夫维(Safeway)帮助救世军向有需要的人提供3,000盒食物
艾伯森公司(Albertsons Companies)的丹佛部与科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)的救世军合作,为冠状病毒大流行期间的需要食物提供食物。


Puyallup Food Bank借助Safeway搬到了新的更大位置
Puyallup食品银行将能够留在新的临时地点,这是一家以前的Safeway ...免费租金6个月。

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