能源属性证书(EAC)和碳偏移市场的大量价格峰值有许多公司想知道环境商品是否是实现目标的正确方法,问:碳抵消值得吗?许多公司依靠来实现碳中立性的工具已经比最初预算的工具要昂贵得多。与此配对headwinds in the renewable energy PPA market, and the question of how to reach goals gets even more complicated.
Now, companies are faced with an impossible dilemma that is putting both their financial risk tolerance and their moral obligations to the test: Do we discontinue our offsetting program and forego our carbon neutrality claim, or do we shell out the cash to buy high-priced offsets and EACs to maintain our carbon neutral status?
- Stakeholder scrutiny/criticism: Employees, investors, customers, and NGOs may view backing away from carbon neutrality as an abandonment of your sustainability ambition. You man run the risk of being accused of greenwashing, only acting sustainably when it is cheap or convenient. Any of your past and future claims and commitments may also be brought into question.
- 公众声誉不佳:消费者信仰的侵蚀可能会导致您的组织视为不太负责的公司。
- 外部认可:较低的可持续性排名和ESG分数的位置,或根本不排名。金博宝怎么注册
- 对过去索赔的补救:在网络,社交,印刷,标牌以及其他销售和营销材料上调整消息传递可能需要一定的努力,这些消息可能会引用您的碳中性目标。必须纠正此消息传递,以避免潜在的绿色指控。
- Negative PR: There is always the possibility of negative media attention regarding a lapsed claim. This can be extensive and lead to significant reputational damage.
- 危机通讯:您的沟通团队可能希望制定一项计划,以武装员工和领导者,以解释客户或媒体要求时的失误。
- Loss of co-benefits: Offsets and EACs often provide benefits beyond emissions reduction, such as social improvements in local communities, biodiversity impact, water conservation, etc. that will also no longer be valid claims.
Given the variety of potentially negative outcomes, not to mention the lost progress toward your climate action goals, it’s worth revisiting why your company may have decided to aim for carbon neutrality in the first place.
- 强化对可持续性的承诺:即使是在财务或其他逆风中,继金博宝怎么注册续在气候行动目标上取得进展的公司也可以增强他们在竞争对手中的地位。
- 积极的品牌声誉:保持您的碳中性主张可以使您成为一家负责任的,以任务为导向的公司,并引起媒体的积极关注。面对挑战的决心甚至可以创造讲故事的机会。
- 持续的内部动力:碳中立通常是实现更雄心勃勃的气候动作目标的垫脚石,例如净零排放。保持碳中和地位使公司有动力朝着下一个里程碑式努力,并代表您达到零净的承诺,即使发生困难也是如此。(阅读更多碳中性与净零目标之间的差异)
- Consistent trajectory: A lapsed claim and corresponding spike in reported emissions on record would draw criticism and need to be explained.
- External recognition: Keeping or enhancing your claims improves your company’s chances of appearing in sustainability or ESG ratings and may improve your CDP score.
- Competitive advantage: Studies show that sustainable companies win the confidence of the public and investors, helping them to have better financial returns, outperform their peers, and attract talent.
使您的公司进入碳中性需要多方面的方法。在强大的解决方案公司正在探索的解决方案中,碳偏移是您的碳中立之旅中可靠且通常是必要的组成部分。Download our full guide to carbon offsetsto learn more about the role they can play in large-scale emission reduction programs, how they reduce GHGs, and how to select offsets that will meet your organizational goals.