Cause Marketing Measurement: Techniques for Practical Implementation

A Cause Marketing Masters Series Presentation:
Nov 13, 2009 10:15 AM ET

Date: December 8 at 1:30 pm EST

Transactional cause marketing drives sales. Employee engagement attracts recruits. Corporate social marketing changes behaviors and enhances reputations. At least that's the promise -- but how do you know if it's happening with your programs? And when it does, how can you quantify it?

Join Farron Levy, president of True Impact -- a leading provider of web-based tools and support services for measuring corporate citizenship programs -- to learn simple measurement techniques for measuring the social, financial, and environmental value of cause marketing programs to prove value, promote continuous improvement, and guide program investment and budgeting.

Speaker Profile: Farron Levy, Founder & CEO

Farron Levy is president of True Impact (, a leading provider of web-based tools and consulting support to help organizations measure the social, financial, and environmental return on investment (ROI) of their programs, activities, and operations. Typically applied to community investment, environmental, human resource, or other corporate citizenship initiatives, True Impact’s “triple bottom line” evaluations have been adopted by clients such as Allstate, Cox Communications, Deloitte, Home Depot, PNC Bank, Verizon, and their nonprofit partners.

Farron was formerly a partner and director of cost-benefit-analysis services at CSR consultancy SmithOBrien; co-founder and president of a web-based yield-management service for the restaurant industry; and an analyst with Industrial Economics, Inc., an environmental and economic consulting firm.

Farron has also managed urban economic development projects for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Social Venture Network, and CitySkills, Inc. (where he was executive director); and served as an advisor to City Year, New Profit, Inc., and CitySoft. He is on the faculty of Boston College’s Center for Corporate Citizenship, where he teaches coursework on ROI evaluation. Farron earned an MPP from Harvard University, and a BS with university honors from Carnegie Mellon University.

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