

Tiara Moten,T-Mobile全球护理运营总监兼WAN教育主席
Rachael Wohletz,T-Mobile SR。人力资源中雇主品牌营销的撰稿人

Tiara Moten,T-Mobile全球护理运营总监兼WAN教育主席

Rachael Wohletz,T-Mobile SR。人力资源中雇主品牌营销的撰稿人


2014年,T -Mobile员工成立了女性领导网络,以扩大无线女性的集体声音。如今,根据有目的发展的女性和盟友网络(以及在大流行对职业妇女造成严重损失之后)的影响,可以在整个公司中感受到它的存在,包括改变物理工作空间和诸如Techx Returnship计划之类的计划。为了纪念妇女的历史月,我们看一下一切的开始以及它的发展方向 - 以及为什么这不仅对T -Mobile的妇女,而且对各地的妇女都重要。



Anneke Blair-Aparicio doesn’t seem the least bit surprised that one of T-Mobile’s largest Employee Resource Group is the Women & Allies Network, but she’s honest about the strides it’s taken to get there.

“It all began as something called the Women’s Leadership Forum in 2008 where female leaders were simply invited to get together and talk,” the T-Mobile senior inclusion and diversity strategy partner recalls of that gathering at T-Mobile headquarters in Bellevue, Washington. “It couldn’t have had more than 500 people.”

While an important step, she’s very clear that it never felt like it was enough.

And so, in 2014, that small group of women looking to support each other in their professional endeavors at T-Mobile started one of the company’s official Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), known then as the Women’s Leadership Network (WLN).

类似的火花看到了2008年在堪萨斯州欧弗兰公园(Overland Park)创作的Sprint Excelling(Wise)的妇女。Sprint ERG的目标是促进一个专业的网络,指导和教育机会的环境,以支持该公司的女性领导职业发展和发展。ERG的会员资格在六个月内超过1,000。

“Legacy T-Mobile had a strong presence among employees with the WLN pre-merger, and it was also that way at legacy Sprint,” says Rachael Wohletz, a senior copywriter for Employer Brand Marketing in Human Resources and a former communications and operations officer for WISE.

When T-Mobile and Sprint merged in April 2020, the two women’s networks came together under the new name of the Women & Allies Network (WAN), which today boasts the second largest membership — 16,801members — of all six of the combined company’s ERGs.



Timing for the launch of WAN could not have been more important.

随着2020年大流行成立,工作妇女(就像这些ERG中的那些人一样,以及全国各地的许多工作领域中的许多人 - 都感到受欢迎。当照料负担沉重时,四分之一的人甚至考虑过降低他们的职业。

例如,仅在9月,据报道有些妇女持有的865,000个工作丢失, compared with just 216,000 by men. And every single one of the net140,000 jobs lost2020年12月由妇女持有。2020年妇女的最终失落人数是2.3 million

Over the last two years, WAN’s influence has helped T-Mobile respond to these changes with new initiatives big and small — with an eye to the future.

布莱尔·阿帕里西奥(Blair-Aparicio)说:“由于WAN的影响,多年来取得了重大进展。”“我想到,在校园内包含母亲房间以及诸如女性峰会,例如女性峰会,包括母亲的房间,从我们的房地产团队中扩大了父母的福利和身体更新,例如技术X返回船and WAN Connections. All focused on learning and highlighting opportunities women might not have known were available to them.”

T-Mobile的全球护理运营总监兼WAN现任教育主席Tiara Moten补充说:“ WAN为妇女和盟友提供的教育和动机需求很高,尤其是在过去的几年之后。”“我很荣幸能成为一个负责建立希望和妇女和盟友的希望和联系的团体的一员,最终使可能性和团结重新融合。”



“We really felt we were stalled just like the rest of the world simply by not being together during the pandemic,” Wohletz says. “While it was a strange experience, I think it truly forced us to start over in a way that would have been difficult otherwise. We had to get re-established, and I think that was ironically fortunate because we built a stronger foundation from scratch with members from both sides who were fully integrated when it comes to our strategy.”

When T-Mobile and Sprint united as one, Holli Martinez, vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion, emailed employees of the newly formed company. She explained work her team was doing to combine both legacy companies’ benefits with renewed efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion. And that the aim of the newly combined WAN was to bring the best of legacy T-Mobile’s WLN and legacy Sprint’s WISE to form an ERG that would educate and empower women employees, as well as the allies who are committed to helping them succeed.

“I’m proud of WAN and the WAN Board for the work they did to bring the strengths, legacies and spirit of WISE and WLN together,” Martinez says. “Moving forward together was critical in creating a united vision and building a solid foundation for inclusive advocacy across the new company.”

随着WAN的会员资格猛增,T-Mobile首席通讯官Janice Kapner被评为该网络的执行赞助商,进一步增加了公司内部和外部的个人资料。


The Making of a Mindset

“当是妇女领导论坛时,这是非正式的,目的是帮助更多的女性担任领导角色,” T-Mobile商业的高级经理,WLN前主席克里斯蒂娜·韦伯(Christina Weber)说。“当它成为妇女领导网络时……我们使用了标语'来自每位主席的铅',因为我们想要促进的心态是您是领导者,无论您的头衔如何。这不仅仅是在桌子上坐下,这是关于您在那里时所做的事情,以及如何选择每天出现。”

The message resonated with Weber, who says the goal was to increase awareness and grow the ERG. And it did, from around 5,000 to 12,000 in 2016.



That messaging continues to evolve today with new initiatives and the expansion of established programs. WAN Connections is a safe space for women and allies to share experiences, learn new skills and act on important topics. There’s also Intersections, a recurring event that invites speakers to highlight the importance of the intersectional experiences of its members as women, including women of color or women within the LGBTQ+ 188bet网址怎么打不开community.

布莱尔·阿帕里西奥(Blair-Aparicio)说:“增长太多了,重点始终是实现个人发展的新方法。”“ Wan Connections实际上是倾斜的最新进化,主要是在总部和呼叫中心举行,现在在我们所有的DE&I章节中提供。”







“Another transition I’ve seen as the ERG evolved is from lamenting the challenges we were facing to creating awareness of what has to happen to be in charge of our careers,” Blair-Aparicio says. “This level of empowerment is seen when our members say what they need from the workplace, not just talk about what the workplace is doing to them.”

Wohletz adds, “Accompaniment shouldn’t be undervalued. It’s good to know you don’t have to do it alone.”