
Feb 28, 2017 10:45 AM ET

2017年2月28日 / 3BL媒体 / - 为了庆祝黑人历史月,JetBlue邀请了主要体育行业组织和团队的人力资源和多样性专业人员参加该航空公司的反复演讲者系列:Lift Avery Voice(LEV)。

当思想,文化,性别和观点的多样性在餐桌上席位时,前台和C套件都受益。提升每个声音都是一个系列,旨在保持关于多样性和纳入持续发展的对话,为整个行业和整个JetBlue的公开对话提供了机会。它是该公司总体计划“ JetBlue Equals”的一个要素,该计划将JetBlue所有计划与多样性与包容性相关的所有计划联系在一起。

波士顿红袜(MLB)人力资源高级总监Michael Danubio;TD Garden和Bruins(NHL)的人力资源副总裁Shauna Gilhooly;国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)人才获取总监约翰·奎因斯(John Quinones)讨论了各自组织在前部办公室的更大多样性以及阻碍进步的挑战的努力。

“我们对一个熟悉的问题有了重新的看法。”JetBlue多样性与包容性经理Tasha Kersey Aoaeh。“起初,我们的工作人员想知道我们可以从如此不同的行业中学到什么。但这正是多样性和包容性的意义,在更深入地挖掘以建立共性的同时,重视差异。”

Shauna K. Gilhooly,人力资源副总裁,波士顿棕熊和TD花园, shared, “It is refreshing to see and hear the work that is being done in sports and travel, industries that touch millions of people, to better reflect the diversity that exists within the global reach of our brands. In order to move the needle, diversity and inclusion as guiding principles need to permeate an organization at every level, even a personal one. JetBlue is leading the way creating conversations inside and outside of its organization that inspire us and foster the sharing of best practices in areas that we all value.”

波士顿红袜人人力资源高级总监迈克尔·丹比奥(Michael Danubio), stated, “One of the Red Sox core values is having an inclusive environment that embraces diversity. We know our values are the ideal and that we still have work to do to achieve these ideals, but we try to put actions to them every day. It was great to see JetBlue’s crewmembers actively engaged on this topic and asking some well thought out and hard hitting questions to each of us on the panel.”

提升每个声音是JetBlue的年度演讲者系列,它是一个平台,可以从不同的角度提高人们对多样性和包容性问题以及一般主题的认识。演讲者分享他们的故事和观点,以邀请船员建立联系,欣赏差异并表明每个人都可以通过听每种声音来弥合理解差距。JetBlue Equals是JetBlue计划与多样性和包容性有关的计划的伞概念。


JetBlue是纽约的家乡航空公司,也是波士顿,劳德代尔堡 - 霍尔莱坞,洛杉矶(长滩),奥兰多和圣胡安的领先航空公司。JetBlue每年在美国,加勒比海和拉丁美洲的100个城市每年携带超过3800万个客户,平均每日飞行925个。有关更多信息,请访问www.jetblue.com

JetBlue Corporate Communications

Source: JetBlue