Ceres Announces New Partnership With Renowned Research Institute to Drive Investor and Corporate Action on the Global Water Crisis

Ceres Announces New Partnership With Renowned Research Institute to Drive Investor and Corporate Action on the Global Water Crisis



Thursday, May 21, 2020 - 9:55am


CONTENT: Press Release

May 21, 2020 /3BL Media/ -Today, the sustainability nonprofit organization Ceres announced a new partnership with a leading research institute to deliver a new global assessment that will serve as a foundation in developing bold new action steps to better protect the world’s most precious resource: water. This is the first of its kind assessment that takes a comprehensive look at the major threats to our global water supply from unsustainable corporate practices.

Ceres is joining forces with theGlobal Institute for Water Security (GIWS)在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省大学,提请人们注意这些做法与我们受威胁的水供应之间的紧密联系。GIWS将对水密集型部门的行业实践进行基于科学的研究和分析,这些研究导致水的稀缺性和污染增加,并威胁到全球社区的生态系统和可及性。全球粮食农业综合企业领域将在被分析的行业之一之一。

The findings will be used to inform a new set of leading investor expectations for companies to improve their overall water stewardship in business operations and supply chains. To ensure the research and analysis is relevant to capital market audiences, the effort will also be informed by the ongoing work of theValuing Water Finance Task Force这是上个月成立的有影响力的养老基金和商业银行。Ceres与Government of Netherlands Valuing Water Initiativeon this overall effort to catalyze capital market leaders to address water risk as a financial risk.

“尽管对与水有关的风险的关注越来越大,但公司和投资者尚未完全理解或解决其自己行业实践对我们全球供水或自己的投资组合的影响深远的影响。”Kirsten James, director of Water at Ceres。“通过与评估水金融工作队和GIWS的合作,我们将加强以科学为导向的商业案例,以将水重视水作为财务势在必行并减少影响的行动步骤。”


The global assessment report aims to build on Ceres’ valuable research and engagement tools that have been brought to market to address water-related risks. However to date, most of the analysis and discussion with investors and companies have taken either an investor or company-centric point of view. This new report will bring in more perspectives from the scientific and academic community and build on the trend that we are seeing with investors wanting to better understand the comprehensive evidence that supports acting on these risks.

“我们与CERES的合作伙伴关系是为公司和投资者决策提供最新水科学的主要机会。”GIWS执行董事Jay Famiglietti教授。“如果没有工业的买入,我们根本就无法将全球水安全行动。与CERES合作制作全球评估报告可能对行业如何看待其在水管理中的作用有深远的影响。”

Earlier this month, Famiglietti, who has been interacting with Ceres since 2012, participated inCeres 2020 digital program: Defining the Value of Water.在此处观看该程序的视频剪辑

全球评估报告还将告知CERES正在进行的其他研究项目,并与Ceres成员进行其他工作。投资者水枢纽, a working group of the Ceres Investor Network, to develop best in practice case studies.




The Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS) at the University of Saskatchewan is the top water resources research institute in Canada and one of the most advanced cold regions hydrology centers in the world. GIWS is dedicated to helping protect precious freshwater resources needed for the world’s growing demand for sustainable food production, mitigating the risk of water-related disasters such as floods, droughts, and fires, predicting and forecasting extreme global change through the use of advanced remote sensing and modelling techniques, and co-creating traditional knowledge with western science to empower Indigenous communities in protecting water health.www.water.usask.ca

关于Valuing Water Initiative

The Valuing Water Initiative of the Government of the Netherlands and developed under the United Nations & World Bank High Level Panel on Water will demonstrate the practical application of the Valuing Water Principles. Through journeys in different regions and with different actors, the influence of its partners, strong communication, supporting knowledge pieces and collection of best practices and lessons learned, VWI will inspire others with its leadership coalition, bringing systemic change in how water is valued in business practices, policies and behaviour.