

(3提单媒体/可比我们波士顿,M金博宝手机版网页A - 9月2日,2011 - 88年只有11主要保险公司调查了最近正式的政策来应对日益严重的气候变化的风险,根据谷神星今天发布的一份重大的新报告中。这份报告是今天已交付保险协会的一次会议上委员(代理人),由于飓风艾琳被取消了。

新报告”,气候风险由保险公司信息披露:气候披露调查评估保险公司对保险代理人的反应”,分析了88年美国保险公司说在公共文件中关于气候变化与州保险专员,他们在多大程度上把他们的商业模式。该报告是第一次尝试分析反应通过保险公司强制性的2010年的调查。信息披露是向保险监管机构在六个州:纽约、新泽西、加州、俄勒冈州、宾夕法尼亚州和华盛顿。发现都是照明和幻灭,谷神星总裁明迪卢波在报告的前言中写道。“虽然调查揭示了保险公司之间的广泛共识,气候变化将影响极端天气事件,一些保险公司能够表达一个连贯的计划管理与气候变化相关的风险和机遇。”“我很高兴,加州发挥了关键作用的开发和实现气候风险披露的调查,”加州保险专员大卫琼斯说,气候变化工作组联合主席保险代理人的。“气候变化是一个明显的身体对我们的威胁,但是这也构成了日益严重的金融保险行业的威胁,非常真实的潜在的负面影响消费者的购买能力负担得起的保险。这个调查是一个坚实的第一步评估准备保险行业如何应对气候变化的影响。“首席执行官杰克Ehnes加州教师退休系统,美国最大的养老基金之一,表示缺乏信息披露报告文件”意味着投资者和监管机构——盲目,没有坚实的行业是否采取必要的步骤去理解和应对这种深刻的风险。“我们担心的是,气候变化构成的威胁的一个基本的长期可用性和可购性保险,“Ehnes说道,他也是前科罗拉多州保险专员。“这对经济有着巨大的影响,这就是为什么我们作为投资者,所以敏锐地关注这个领域。” Some of the largest players in the industry - particularly in property and reinsurance - are in fact investing considerable resources in understanding the risks and developing strategies that may drive more climate-resilient underwriting practices and capital decisions. But the survey revealed that the smaller players that represent a large percentage of the industry are doing little. Of particular concern to regulators, the most vulnerable companies tend to be within the market segments that are closest to consumers. As the report points out, climate change is altering the industry’s global business landscape and threatens to undercut the risk models on which it depends. Impacts that threaten the industry’s financial underpinnings include rising losses in the U.S. and globally from a wide range of perils - including wildfires, floods, prolonged droughts and hurricanes; growing financial exposure in the health and life insurance segments from longer, more frequent heat waves and expansion of disease vectors like mosquitoes and ticks; and ever-increasing liability claims, including more than 120 lawsuits in 2010 alone, most of them in the US. While the survey reveals that most insurers are focused on the coastal impacts of climate change, this year’s events have revealed that climate risks extend far inland. According to the National Weather Service, before a single hurricane made landfall this year the United States had already tied its yearly record for billion-dollar weather disasters and the cumulative tab from floods, tornadoes and heat waves has eclipsed $35 billion. These trends have implications far beyond the industry’s financial viability. If insurers don’t respond in a timely way to the business impacts of climate change, the report warns, insurance availability and pricing could be affected – and with it the ability of consumers, businesses and government to productively employ capital. Beyond that, the performance of the industry’s vast $23 trillion global investment portfolio could be compromised as well, which in turn re-amplifies the macro-economic threat. “These developments clearly point to a business model that must change,” said Sharlene Leurig, a senior manager of Ceres’ insurance program who authored the report. “The report paints a picture of an industry that, outside of a handful of the largest insurers, is taking only marginal steps to address an issue that poses clear threats to the industry’s financial health, as well as to the availability and affordability of insurance for consumers.” Among the report’s key findings:
  • 保险公司之间存在广泛共识,气候变化对极端天气事件将有影响。

  • 尽管人们普遍承认气候变化可能会对极端事件的影响,一些保险公司能够表达一个连贯的计划管理与气候变化相关的风险和机遇。

  • 美国保险公司的看法、对气候变化的反应段和大小有很大不同,暗示潜在重大市场混乱和潜在的收缩和保险公司用更少的识别和管理气候变化风险的能力经验过度的资本损失。

  • 该行业的大部分注意力关注狭窄的风险,尤其是沿海的影响和飓风,而忽略非沿海极端天气和气候责任等问题已经产生更高的风险和损失。

  • 大多数保险公司报告使用灾难模型描述它们在表明他们的公司没有一个清晰的理解的模型可以或不能用于预测变化的风险。

  • 虽然气候变化带来了显著的金融风险的行业,一些保险公司提供有意义的信息更加不稳定的潜在金融影响天气的损失。

  • 每年实施强制性信息披露和公开所有调查结果。当前方法,有些州要求调查的反应和其他参与自愿和非公有制,导致披露的被子没有提供完整的美国产业受到影响和管理气候变化的影响。

  • 明确信息披露的预期。缺乏特异性在当前保险代理人披露调查导致经常模糊和无益的反应,与小保险公司如何解决主要趋势的一致性包括定价、建模和治理。监管机构应该考虑提供更多详细的指导文档在规划未来的调查结果。

  • 创造更多的共享资源,帮助保险公司分析和应对气候变化趋势。保险公司有能力生产基础研究相对较少的气候变化可能会影响他们的业务。保险公司和监管机构都将受益于更多的基础研究等领域的损失模型,相关的风险,潜在的健康和生命损失。


Ceres Ceres是一个国家联盟的主要投资者,环保组织和其他公共利益集团与公司合作,解决可持续发展的挑战,如全球气候变化和水资源短缺。金博宝怎么注册欲了解更多信息,请访问www.ceres.org