



班纳特弥尔顿,一个interculturalist和跨文化的创始人通信研究所在俄勒冈州的波特兰市建议以下定义“文化交互”。这是“学习和共同的价值观、信仰和行为,一群互动的人”。至少有两个主要观点嵌入在这个定义。一是认为有足够的好奇心和尊重我们可以来分享价值观和信仰,第二个是真正理解人与人之间必须来自相互交互。这种方法的积极影响是多方面的。重视差异的行为而不是强加自己的规范,价值观和信仰,适用于所有文化…国际,专业,公司,也许最重要的是,家庭。在我看来,许多组织认为,“全球化”对领导力的看法只会成为一个领袖与多元文化。这是不太可能发生。我们自己的西方文化价值观和识别特定类型的行为。作为领导者成长在一个组织中他们很快发现得到认可,因此奖励。 We place a high premium on “getting it done”, on production, and timeliness. Someone who can bring a project in “on time and on (or under) budget” is likely to be highly sought after. Yet these valuable skills may be at odds with another cultures respect for relationship and collective decision-making. The challenge in becoming truly intercultural is raising our awareness of how and why we do, say, react and respond in the ways in which we do. It requires a high level of curiosity aimed not only at another culture but at our own. My own curiosity is piqued when I see the preponderance of leadership books, articles, and blogs with diversity or multicultural leadership as their subject. My lived experience tells me that few of us actually know how to enact these competencies. What prevents us from seeing our own way of being in the world? Is it system blindness, cultural blindness, personal blindness? Is it because our systems don’t recognize and reward curious, reflective, experimental behaviour? What’s more rewarding the path of greatest or least resistance? Let me know when you figure it out...I’m curious.这个博客是由克里斯汀·邦尼金合欢集团的管理合伙人,负责领导和指导。ACACIA6654