


Dani Pascarella,Toreven Financial Wellness

2022年4月13日,星期三 - 上午8:15


由CFP®和Oneeven Financial Wellness的创始人Dani Pascarella撰写

概念财务健康通常与以正确的方式管理您的钱或拥有一定的净资产有关。但是这个定义忽略了与数字一样重要的东西 - 财务如何影响您的心理和身体健康。在Oneeven Financial Wellness,我们正在通过研究数字和采取整体个人理财方式来改变这一状况。我们的财富教练帮助我们的会员改变与金钱的关系,并养成健康的支出习惯。

根据APA,金钱是美国压力的第一名。像Oneeleven这样的应用程序非常需要帮助美国人减轻这种压力,并探讨其发生的根本原因。We’re not alone in these beliefs, Well+Good listed financial wellness apps (including OneEleven) as one of top self-care trends for 2022. This year, it’s predicted that financial wellness will continue to expand as we embrace this new convergence of money, psychology, and technology. Now more than ever, people have strategies at their fingertips to learn effective financial habits and take control of their financial situation.

阅读Dani的全文包括她对妇女的金钱建议以及促使她离开华尔街并发射Oneeleven的原因 - 全部 -https://greenmoney.com/changing-your-reshiphiphiphiphip-money-for-good
