

厨师AarónSánchez与T -Mobile副总裁兼总经理Jorge Martel一起在其位于迈阿密的签名商店的五十名员工面前。


Award‑winning chef, author and philanthropist Aarón Sánchez was the guest star for T‑Mobile’s special Hispanic Heritage Month edition of its ongoing Talking with Trailblazers series, dishing about his cooking career, preserving his family legacy through food and planting seeds for the next generation of Latino chefs.





While the laughs in the room proved the audience appreciated Sánchez’s penchant for the lighthearted, when it comes to the importance of preserving his family’s legacy through food, and inspiring and supporting young Latino talent in the culinary world, he turns to the serious and the heartfelt.


The award-winning chef, author and philanthropist was a guest speaker for T-Mobile’s most recent Talking with Trailblazers event, hosted by Jorge Martel, the company’s Vice President & General Manager, Puerto Rico, in front of fifty employees at its signature store in Miami.

与开拓者的交谈邀请了许多文化重要主题来激发,教育和分享,这一特殊活动是对西班牙裔遗产月的特别庆祝活动。在整个月(9月15日至10月15日)中,T-Mobile员工能够捐款西班牙奖学金基金感谢T-Mobile Foundation,获得2:1员工比赛。该活动还鼓励1,800名远程观众中的任何一个加入其Magenta Latinx网络员工资源组,该员工资源组已经有3500名成员。

桑切斯(Sánchez)讨论了他作为现任厨师/所有者的烹饪生涯约翰尼·桑切斯(JohnnySánchez)在新奥尔良,福克斯的热门烹饪比赛系列法官MasterChefMasterChef Junior,以及两本食谱的作者,分别是La Comida del Barrio和简单的食物,大风味以及回忆录,我来自这里:来自拉丁裔厨师的生活经验教训。



Sánchez also acknowledged how technology during this particular time has helped fuel people’s curiosity of what’s beyond the home environment, where many were isolated during the pandemic, and that’s in turn created a space for Latinos to do more research into their own heritage through home-cooked meals.



“I know it’s important to give back,” he said, citing his own mentors over the years, like chefs Douglas Rodriguez, Paul Prudhomme, Jonathan Waxman — and most of all, his mother, a chef who risked it all to follow her culinary dreams in New York City and sparked his initial interest in cuisine. “My industry has afforded me a beautiful life, and I would never imagine the things that I've seen and done. So, in order for me to do that, I have to thank my mentors and I have to make sure that I’m planting seeds for the next generation.”



有几秒钟的空间吗?好吧,你很幸运!同样,为了庆祝西班牙裔遗产月,请查看有关T -Mobile消费者团队员工的食谱食谱的故事:“食物是我们的爱语言。”