Chevron 2021 Corporate Sustainability Report: Performance Data

Chevron 2021 Corporate Sustainability Report: Performance Data



CONTENT: Multimedia with summary

AtChevron, we strive to be transparent and improve our reporting on sustainability-related topics to help provide comparable and decision-useful information for investors and other stakeholders. We are working with peers, stakeholders and regulators to achieve greater consistency and comparability of reporting.

We consider environmental, social, and governance information in both voluntary and mandatory disclosures. For voluntary reporting, we consider the reporting guidelines, indicators and terminology in theSustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry(2020) by Ipieca, the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), and the American Petroleum Institute (API). We also consider other leading reporting frameworks, such as the Stakeholder Capitalism metrics developed by the World Economic Forum, to determine which data to include in our tables. Chevron uses the World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2015) definition of three “scopes” to report GHG emissions.

enhancing our reporting

We provide index columns that map our current reporting data to the relevant Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Ipieca frameworks. The indices are based solely on Chevron’s interpretation and judgment and do not indicate the application of definitions, metrics, measurements, standards or approaches set forth in the SASB and Ipieca frameworks. Please refer to the relevant footnotes for information about Chevron’s data-reporting basis.

在今年Corporate Sustainability Report, we added a new table that tracks our progress toward our 2028 GHG emissions intensity targets. We also expanded our global employee diversity data to provide region and gender information. In line with our approach to provide comparable and transparent data, we developed the portfolio carbon intensity (PCI) methodology to enable the comparison of Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions of companies that may participate in different parts of the value chain. In addition, we are also providing a separate GHG data performance table based on theAPI Template for GHG Reporting (March 2022) and API Guidance Document for GHG Reporting (March 2022). We aspire to continue to achieve real results and transparently communicate progress on our performance.

ESG data quality

The accuracy of the information reflected in our report is important to us. Since 2004, Chevron has engaged an accredited assurance provider, Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, Inc. (LRQA), to verify that our卓越运营管理系统(OEMS) meets international environmental and safety management system standards and specifications. In 2021, we obtained a Certificate of Approval that demonstrates the alignment of our OEMS with ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 standards, as well as the integrity and strength of our Chevron Technical Center in setting the strategic direction of the OEMS and providing oversight and verification of its effectiveness throughout the corporation.

我们还聘请LRQA,以对雪佛龙的创建过程的流程提供独立的保证Corporate Sustainability Report对于2021年日历年,达到合理的水平。LRQA的保证参与涵盖了Chevron在全球范围内的运营和活动,并评估了Chevron的报告流程在交付健康,安全和环境指标方面的有效性,这些指标有助于评估企业绩效和报告与核心和其他报告元素一致的公司绩效和报告信息。Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry(2020年)和SASB石油和天然气 - 绩效数据表中引用的勘探和生产,中游以及炼和营销会计指标。在某些情况下,部分报道了所引用的IPIECA元素和SASB指标。


