




加利福尼亚州圣拉蒙和休斯顿 / 3BL Media / -Chevron U.S.A. Inc.,通过其Chevron New Energies部门以及Enterprise Products Partners L.P.(NYSE:EPD)的子公司宣布了研究和评估二氧化碳机会的框架(CO2)从美国中部和墨西哥湾沿岸的各自业务运营中捕获,利用和存储(CCU)。两家公司期望研究的初始阶段,他们将评估特定的商机持续大约六个月。

Chevron New Energies总裁Jeff Gustavson表示:“这种共同的努力有可能促进我们正在进行的工作,以利用两家公司为该项目带来的行业专业知识来发展我们的低碳业务。”“与联合国合作的国际气候变化科学家已经确定碳捕获是帮助全球能源体系过渡到较低碳未来所需的关键技术。”




Enterprise Products Partners L.P.是最大的公开交易合作伙伴之一,也是北美领先的中游能源服务提供商,为天然气,NGLS,原油,精制产品和石油化学物质的生产商和消费者提供。188bet上不了我们的服188bet上不了务包括:天然气收集,处理,加工,运输和存储;NGL运输,分级,存储和出口和进口终端;原油收集,运输,存储和出口和进口码头;石化和精制产品运输,存储,进出口终端及相关服务;188bet上不了以及主要在美国内陆和内陆水道系统中运营的海洋运输业务。合伙企业的资产包括约50,000英里的管道;NGL,原油,精制产品和石化的2.6亿桶存储容量;和14 BCF天然气存储能力。请拜访www.enterpriseproducts.com了解更多信息。


+1 925-842-5509


Randy Burkhalter,投资者关系

里克·雷尼(Rick Rainey),媒体关系



在可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中有重大差异的重要因素之一是:更改原油和天然气价格和对我们产品的需求以及由于市场状况而导致的生产削减;石油生产配额或其他由石油出口国和其他生产国组织采取的行动;公共卫生危机,例如大流行病(包括冠状病毒(Covid-19))和流行病,以及任何相关的政府政策和行动;在公司运营的各个国家 /地区改变经济,监管和政治环境;一般国内和国际经济和政治条件;改变炼油,营销和化学保证金;该公司实现与企业转型计划相关的预期成本节省,减少支出和效率的能力;竞争对手或监管机构的行动;勘探费用的时间;原油提升的时机; the competitiveness of alternate-energy sources or product substitutes; technological developments; the results of operations and financial condition of the company’s suppliers, vendors, partners and equity affiliates, particularly during extended periods of low prices for crude oil and natural gas during the COVID-19 pandemic; the inability or failure of the company’s joint-venture partners to fund their share of operations and development activities; the potential failure to achieve expected net production from existing and future crude oil and natural gas development projects; potential delays in the development, construction or start-up of planned projects; the potential disruption or interruption of the company’s operations due to war, accidents, political events, civil unrest, severe weather, cyber threats, terrorist acts, or other natural or human causes beyond the company’s control; the potential liability for remedial actions or assessments under existing or future environmental regulations and litigation; significant operational, investment or product changes undertaken or required by existing or future environmental statutes and regulations, including international agreements and national or regional legislation and regulatory measures to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the potential liability resulting from pending or future litigation; the company's ability to achieve the anticipated benefits from the acquisition of Noble Energy, Inc.; the company’s future acquisitions or dispositions of assets or shares or the delay or failure of such transactions to close based on required closing conditions; the potential for gains and losses from asset dispositions or impairments; government mandated sales, divestitures, recapitalizations, taxes and tax audits, tariffs, sanctions, changes in fiscal terms or restrictions on scope of company operations; foreign currency movements compared with the U.S. dollar; material reductions in corporate liquidity and access to debt markets; the receipt of required Board authorizations to pay future dividends; the effects of changed accounting rules under generally accepted accounting principles promulgated by rule-setting bodies; the company’s ability to identify and mitigate the risks and hazards inherent in operating in the global energy industry; and the factors set forth under the heading “Risk Factors” on pages 18 through 23 of the company's 2020 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in other subsequent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unpredictable or unknown factors not discussed in this news release could also have material adverse effects on forward-looking statements.


该新闻稿包括证券交易委员会定义的“前瞻性声明”。除历史事实的陈述外,所有陈述都包括在本文中解决企业及其普通合伙人期望,相信或预期将来或可能发生的活动,事件,事件,发展或交易,这是前瞻性的陈述。这些前瞻性陈述受风险和不确定性的约束,可能导致实际结果与期望有实质性差异,包括监管机构所需的批准,这些活动,事件,发展或交易无法完全实现,即无法完全实现的可能性。possibility that costs or difficulties related thereto will be greater than expected, the impact of competition, and other risk factors included in Enterprise’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. Except as required by law, Enterprise does not intend to update or revise their respective forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

类别: 环境