



Twitter提要与赞美的嗡嗡声,和粉丝大声叫着“#格莱美最佳性能?令人难以置信的@Chipotle商业特色威利纳尔逊覆盖@Coldplay的科学家。哇。”And while some of the acclaim had to do with the musical appeal of course, it is hard to deny that the commercial was compelling in its own right. Nelson's moving rendition of "The Scientist" provides poignant narration to a simply animated story of a farmer who moves toward industrial food production, but seeing the changes in his own world, returns back to smaller-scale, more sustainable farming techniques. We've said this before on WDYSF, and we'll say it again— despite the proliferation of communication channels for cause marketers, there is sometimes none more powerful than a simple video to leave an audience touched, informed and empowered. When a company has the means to bring the message to a mass audience through a pop culture event like the GRAMMY's, it's even better. And fortunately, it's more than just a well-crafted video— Chipotle also has the creds to back it up. Through its longstanding commitment to "食物和完整性”,为公司十几年的旅程,辣椒继续增加其购买自然提高了肉和原料来自家庭农场。然而,辣椒也承认这是离完美还很远。在最近的一次纽约时报文章中,约翰尼·凯利,一个导演的电影项目,描述动画短片的如何像辣椒的进化从供应商工厂农场年前。


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