

By Laura Quintana

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - 8:45am

CAMPAIGN:Leading A Conscious Culture


Cisco is committed to building an inclusive future for all.

In recognition that women were underrepresented in information and communications technology (ICT), Cisco Networking Academy launched theWomen Rock-ITprogram 14 years ago. The program aims to show women they have a prominent place in the tech sector, and of the more than 1.8 million participants so far, more than a million have gone on to enroll in Networking Academy courses.

According to the World Economic Forum’s 2020工作未来报告, jobs in demand include Data Analysts and Scientists, AI and Machine Learning Specialists, Cybersecurity Specialists, Robotics Engineers, Software and Application developers and Digital Transformation Specialists. Women can and should be part of this technology and workforce transformation, and Cisco Networking Academy is working hard to build opportunity.

ForICT日的国际女孩on April 28, we focused on esports to celebrate International Telecommunications Union’s annual day to address the gender imbalance in ICT.

On the surface, esports may seem an odd springboard for a career in IT, but gaming relies on technology for streaming, production, programming, and management, data privacy, cybersecurity, game integrity, analytics, and artificial intelligence amongst others.

In fact, esports is 100% dependent on technology with the network being the backbone of the gaming industry.

With women representing45 percent of gamers在全球范围内,对游戏的热情可以转化为技术领域的有意义的职业,并且有可能塑造行业的未来。

On April 28, Networking Academy hosted a lively televised panel of women in the esports and gaming industry, who not only shared their varied experiences, but inspired participants to explore ICT as a career option.

Around the globe, community-minded Cisco employees volunteered to help during the event. Some, like埃尔达·佩雷斯(Elda Perez),他们从过去的经历中汲取灵感,而其他人则受到公民义务的启发,paving the way for women in tech.

The events were a success by all accounts. In the weeks following the event, Cisco Networking Academy experienced a surge in enrollment to ourfree introductory tech courseson Skills for All.

But we’re not done yet!

Continuing with the theme of esports, Women Rock-IT is hosting the second of a two-part series with another live telecast and a different panel of women in the industry on May 31 and June 1.


  • Renee Gittins,Phoenix Labs的总经理,具有软件工程和创意方向的背景,并且是开发人员和游戏行业的多样性的热情倡导者和连接器。
  • Nicole Pike, Global Sector Head of Esports and Gaming at YouGov, is responsible for its esports and gaming analytics strategy, using data to drive growth and investment in esports and gaming and finding the “why” behind entertainment fans’ decisions to view, play, and purchase content.
  • Rebecca Dixon,*GameHers的联合创始人兼首席执行官,GameHers是一个媒体平台和社交网络,适用于游戏的女性。*GameHers庆祝游戏行业中的女性,并致力于推动游戏界所有游戏者的角色,声音,形象和力量。丽贝卡(Rebecca)讨论了具有正确热情和技能的人的电子竞技和游戏领域可用的工作机会。

To experience this exciting panel,现在注册.

You can read more about International Girls in ICT Day here:
How COPE leverages esports to inspire youth success
IT’s Game On! International Girls in ICT Day April 28, 2022



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