

By Jordan Hart-White

2022年4月26日,星期二 - 上午8:45

地球意识,,,,Cisco’s month-long employee celebration of sustainability and the planet is also an opportune time to focus on green buildings. But first, what is a green building?




  • 有效利用能源,水和其他资源
  • 使用可再生能源,例如太阳能
  • Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of re-use and recycling of materials
  • Good indoor environmental air quality
  • 使用无毒,道德和可持续的材料
  • 考虑设计,建筑和操作中的环境
  • 考虑乘员在设计,建筑和运营中的生活质量
  • A design that enables adaptation to a changing environment.

Any building can be a green building, whether it’s a home, office, school, hospital, community center, or other structure, provided it includes some of the features listed above.

Green buildings improve our quality of life

绿色建筑减少或消除了负面的环境影响,同时还对人们和环境产生了积极的影响。值得注意的是,个人花费了90 percent他们的时间在室内,以便在最健康的空间中花费时间。绿色建筑与员工福利有关,例如减轻压力和倦怠。

简单的步骤,例如提高空气质量,提高自然光以及引入绿色植物也可以具有戏剧性的影响on the bottom line, byimprovingemployee productivity and reducing absenteeism, staff turnover, and medical costs.

通常,将员工在建筑物建设中优先考虑其员工的健康和环境可持续性的组织将遵循第三方认证,例如金博宝怎么注册LEED,,,,WELL,,,,breeam, 和FitWEL. These certifications focus on tangible and quantifiable sustainability measures, like reducing the consumption of energy, water, and other resources; but also, the intangible benefits, such as making improvements to layout and noise, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and lighting.


Before the pandemic, 17 percent of our real estate space was certified through a green building standard (LEED, WELL, or equivalent). Now, we are at 19.5 percent certified through a green building standard. These are great steps forward, but we are always looking for ways to do better.

虽然我们的大多数员工在2020年和2021年在家工作,但思科决定寻求一个名为The The The The The的新建筑评级WELL Health-Safety Rating. This new rating was developed to help organizations and businesses adopt evidence-based measures that promote the health, safety, and well-being of their occupants. It includes 22 strategies to:

  • Keep spaces clean and sanitized
  • 提供基本的健康福利和服务188bet上不了
  • 传达您的健康和安全工作
  • Help everyone prepare for an emergency
  • 评估空气和水质


Now that our workforce is beginning to return to the office, Cisco has decided to pursue theWELL建筑标准和LEEDcertification for new, large building projects. By pursuing both certifications, we know our buildings will be high performing, energy efficient spaces that positively impact the people inside them.


The renovation of our office in New York City is complete. This new space is designed to achieve LEED Silver certification and includes technologies such as Power over Ethernet (POE) connected lights, desks, and blinds. The office is designed to consume seven percent less energy and 27 percent less water than the local code requires through low flow toilet/sinks and energy efficient lighting (LEDs). Our Atlanta office will be the second completed LEED and WELL certified building in our portfolio (after Chicago) and will include Cisco technology that measures indoor air quality ratings in each room, healthy break room offerings, reflection rooms, and curated exercise programming like yoga classes.


We know混合工作在这里留下来。我们开发了我们在圣何塞的第一个合作枢纽,作为人们和团队聚会的场所,参加会议,活动和志愿机会。该建筑包括促进员工福祉的功能,例如按摩椅,创造力区和反思室,再加上精神福祉的产品和团队的精心策划活动。例如,一个团队可以选择蜂蜜品尝和心理健康培训。另一个人可以选择回馈活动和瑜伽课。团队可以从选项目录中选择自己的时间。是的,它也将经过良好的建筑认证。


Revisit Cisco’s环境可持续性金博宝怎么注册efforts


类别: 绿色基础设施