

(3提单媒体/可比我们辛辛那提,金博宝手机版网页哦——2011年10月11日——月辛辛那提市庆祝一年周年推出增强回收计划和实施银行奖励计划,初步结果表明成功的努力改善环境质量。银行奖励人们在日常绿色行动从当地和国家企业的优惠和折扣。辛辛那提市的现在可以夸耀增加49%可回收利用原料制成吨位收集过去6个月与去年同期相比。这个城市也增加了回收转移至17%,这超过了2011年基准的15% 2008年5月建立的市议会运动。

说:“我们有一个伟大的第一年,”拉里•Falkin办公室主任环境质量。“我们能够参与回收计划增长了近75%,路边收集可回收的数量增加近50%,并保存城市近一百万美元通过减少垃圾填埋处理成本和销售收入的增加可回收的垃圾。“当增强回收计划2010年10月与垃圾搬运工Rumpke回收,回收车制造商在级联工程和银行,辛辛那提成为最大的中西部城市提供银行的创新rewards-for-recycling计划全市居民。项目的成功在某种程度上可以认为采用较大的回收车,它允许居民回收材料比传统的18加仑垃圾箱的三至五倍。作为增强回收计划推出的一部分,每个居民收到了64或96加仑回收为每两周进行一次可回收垃圾收集车使用。“辛辛那提增强回收计划是我们预期的更成功。很明显,我们的社区想要回收更多的帮助环境和188bet网址怎么打不开拯救城市的钱,”市长马克·马洛里说。“我们回收越多,越少的城市倾倒的垃圾填埋场。当我们进入第二年,我们期待着更高水平的回收和更多的储蓄。城市的环境也好处许多当地企业成功。 Cincinnati residents can earn Recyclebank points each time they recycle and can then use those points to “shop” at Recyclebank.com for rewards like discounts and deals from local and national businesses, including local favorites. The program is similar to a frequent flyer program, only residents earn points for being green instead. Recyclebank also has hundreds of national reward partners, including Ziploc®, AVEENO®, Coca-Cola®, Macy's, McDonald’s®, Nestle Purina®, Unilever, Brita®, Bumble Bee Foods® and many others. Unlike frequent flyer programs, points are easy to accumulate and members can begin redeeming almost immediately. “At Recyclebank, we are proud to partner with the City of Cincinnati in their commitment to environmental quality, and, as their success in raising recycling rates demonstrates, the City is truly a leader, not only in the Midwest, but also on a national scale,” said Atul Nanda, Midwest vice president at Recyclebank. “Cincinnati’s fantastic success truly exemplifies the collective impact we can have in our communities by taking small, everyday green actions—all while earning great rewards from your favorite local and national businesses.” “At Rumpke, we are seeing a greater volume of material coming to our Cincinnati Material Recovery Facility, in large part due to the addition of larger recycling containers, not only in the City of Cincinnati but in other parts of our service area,” said Jeff Rumpke, vice president, Rumpke. “The addition of these carts helps us with our company’s overall goal to reduce the amount of waste entering our landfills through increased recycling efforts, and we are glad many Cincinnati residents are helping us with our mission. Rumpke began preparing for the expected uptick in recycling in the Cincinnati in 2009 with a $6.5 million renovation of its material recovery facility, now one of the top 50 facilities nationwide. The upgrade included the most advanced recycling technology available to allow more material to flow through the plant and enable Rumpke to easily expand its acceptable items list as those markets became available. ABOUT THE CITY OF CINCINNATI The City of Cincinnati government is comprised of over 5,000 employees, dedicated to maintaining the highest quality of life for the people of Cincinnati. The City is focused on economic development to create jobs and pursues partnerships to help create opportunities that benefit Cincinnati's residents, diverse businesses and visitors. As part of these pursuits, The Green Cincinnati Plan, first developed in June of 2008, includes the City's goal of increasing recycling. The day-to-day business of operating the City is the responsibility of the City Manager, who functions as the Chief Administrator for the City. The paramount responsibilities of the City Manager are executing the policy set by the Mayor and City Council, delivering services to the citizens and customers of the City of Cincinnati, managing government finances, and providing continuity of government and support to the Mayor and Members of City Council. For more information, visitwww.cincinnati-oh.gov。关于RUMPKE RUMPKE合并公司,公司一直致力于保持清洁和绿色社区和企业自1932年以来通过提供环境友好的废物处理的解决方案。总部设在Colerain乡、俄亥俄州辛辛那提城外,Rumpke是全国最大的私人住宅和商业垃圾和回收公司,提供的服务领域俄亥俄、肯塔基州、印第安纳州和西弗吉尼亚州。Rumpke部门包括Rumpke回收、Rumpke便携式厕所,William-Thomas集团Rumpke液压&机械加工,Rumpke Haul-it-Away和Rumpke公园。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.rumpke.com。关于银行银行®帮助创建一个更可持续的未来通过鼓励人们采取日常绿色行动的折扣和交易来自3000多个地方和国家企业。通过在线平台,与市政府合作,搬运工,小型企业和企业品牌,银行是使一个集体授权给个人对环境的影响通过增加家庭回收,减少家庭能源使用和学习生活更环保。公认为世界经济论坛技术先锋,地球的冠军由联合国环境规划署和优秀卓越的公共/私营伙伴关系从美国市长会议,银行的总部设在纽约。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.Recyclebank.com。# # # REBA17573





