Climate Action for Suppliers Helps Make HP's Supply Chain More Sustainable

Climate Action for Suppliers Helps Make HP's Supply Chain More Sustainable





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惠普在2021年宣布一系列雄心勃勃的气候行动目标,包括在2040年净净净的承诺 - 在巴黎协议之前整整十年。我们已经出版了我们的可持续影响报告20多年来,已经积极地努力减少我们的足迹数十年。那是因为朝着成为世界上最可持续和公正的科技公司的目标迈向我们公司的DNA。

我们取得了许多成功。去年,惠普是全球仅有的14家公司之一,也是唯一的科技公司三重评级在气候,水和森林基准中,来自非营利性碳披露项目(CDP),这是我们连续第三年。And because consumers care about their footprint and want their purchases to have a positive impact, whether they’re buying a new computer, printer, or coffee machine, sales related to our sustainability efforts have more than tripled, hitting $3.5 billion in fiscal year 2021.

But we realize there is more to be done to reach our goal of cutting our absolute greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030, which means minimizing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions across our end-to-end value chain.



With our supply chain representing over two-thirds of our emissions, our mandate was clear: To reduce the footprint of our printers, computers, and monitors, we had to reduce the footprint of the components, manufacturing, assembly, and transportation of those items. We have hundreds of suppliers, so we needed to take a data-based approach to this problem. We examined our supply chain data and found that our 30 largest partners were responsible for nearly 80% of the Scope 3 emissions from our directly-contracted-suppliers operations. If we could assist those 30 companies in becoming more eco-friendly, the results would be far-reaching. To help these suppliers reach the next level of success, we leaned into the philosophy of “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Not only would helping the suppliers help HP, but it would benefit their bottom line, other customers, the communities where they operate, and the planet as a whole. So we got to work.



Over the last two years, HP has brought in top-tier environmental groups such as the CDP and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to host virtual workshops for those 30 suppliers. Participants learned about energy efficiency, renewable energy, setting science-based targets, external reporting, and more.



结果令人难以置信:我们的前30名供应商中有20个正式承诺将有意义的温室气体减少目标设定基于科学的目标倡议。我们也很自豪,100%可再生电力现在为超过95%的全球PC和显示产品提供了最终组装。惠普和我们的供应链合作伙伴正在取得长足的进步,但还有很多事情要做。我们至关重要的是,我们解决了增加足迹的“上游”供应链。但是,如果不解决在持续客户使用产品期间产生的30%的排放,我们无法达到零。好消息是,客户正在积极寻求货架,在线或作为打印机,计算机和监视器的企业购买的一部分。我们的目标是帮助他们做到这一点 - 将未来的家庭,办公室或混合工作设置成为有史以来最可持续的。

How HP is building a sustainable and ethical supply chain

Hundreds of suppliers make up HP’s supply chain — one of the largest in the IT industry — and the company’s commitment to make ethical, sustainable, and resilient products protects its business and brand, strengthens customer relationships, and creates opportunities to innovate.

Raw materials

HP works with peers across the IT industry to engage the entire supply chain in efforts to eradicate minerals that directly or indirectly support armed groups and to promote responsible sourcing of minerals regardless of origin. In the European Union, for example, we support the Conflict Minerals Regulation, which focuses on responsible smelter sourcing regardless of country of mineral origin, including conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) worldwide.




In collaboration with NGO partners and other external organizations, we provide programs designed to help suppliers continually improve along their sustainability journey. These programs focus on areas such as worker well-being, rights and responsibilities, and environmental, health, and safety (EHS) awareness. In 2021, there was a 114% increase in factory participation in HP’s Supply Chain Sustainability Programs.


We partner with logistics suppliers that have the same environmental mindset as HP to provide solutions to reduce CO2 impact, such as biofuels for ocean freight and electric vehicles for road freight. We are also investigating Sustainable Aviation Fuel for air freight. Additionally, in the United States, HP is a Gold Level Sponsor of Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), which helps combat human trafficking by educating and mobilizing our trucking supplier network, in coordination with law enforcement agencies.


Our放大影响计划invites partners to help drive meaningful change across the global IT industry. Partners that pledge will tap into our extensive knowledge, training, and resources to assess and work to improve their own sustainability performance. To date, 1,400 channel partners have been trained, educated, and empowered through HP Amplify Impact.

零售 /客户使用

HP Planet Partners是该公司针对计算机设备和印刷用品的回收计划。HP墨水和Laserjet墨盒通过HP Planet Partners返回多相“闭环”回收过程。空墨盒的再生塑料用于创建新的原始HP墨盒和其他日常产品。

Post-sale / End-of-use

我们开发的服务旨在使产188bet上不了品保持更长的时间,提供基于服务的解决方案,并在使用结束时重新捕获产品和材料。例如,通过我们的HP设备恢复服务we buy used devices securely to give them new purpose, extend their life spans, and reduce negative environmental impact. Customers receive reverse logistics, data sanitization with a certificate, a sustainability benefit report, and the fair-market value of the device.

类别: 环境