健康生活的合作(CHL)和Urban Health Release发布进度的影响于英国成员主导的倡议的更新

健康生活的合作(CHL)和Urban Health Release发布进度的影响于英国成员主导的倡议的更新

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Friday, July 29, 2022 - 8:20am

Together with Impact on Urban Health, we recently published a new report highlighting the results of our latest round ofCollaboration for Healthier Lives (CHL) UKsupermarket trials. The progress report follows on from theinitial CHL UK reportpublished in 2020 that shared findings from multiple supermarket trials designed to make healthier products more affordable and accessible to customers. In the latest findings, brand recognition, promotions and reformulation are highlighted as key drivers in nudging consumers towards healthier baskets, while a shift to more sustainable diets was also highlighted. The report includes case studies from the following CHL UK members – IGD, McCain Foods, Premier Foods, Sainsbury’s, Samworth Brothers, Superdrug, Tesco and Unilever.

Co-signed by the CHL UK Co-Chairs Richard Hall, Danone and Karen Poole, Tesco, the progress report outlines key reasons why the food industry needs to prioritise health, from making sure that nutritious options are accessible to children from low-income neighbourhoods to investing in healthier and more sustainable products.

Government regulation in the UK以限制脂肪,糖和盐(HFSS)含量高的食物的形式,尽管延迟了,但仍会生效。CHL UK会员欢迎建立一个公平的竞争环境,该竞争环境使食品公司对健康和振奋创新的行动为客户提供了更健康的选择。

The case studies in this report highlight broader learnings and interventions undertaken by seven CHL UK member companies. Data from the Tesco trails have been independently analysed by the University of Oxford while other case studies used individual evaluation methods. The updated data from the supermarket trials, which ran from 2020, have shown that:

  • 利用品牌认可of shopping basket favourites and creating ‘better-for-you’ alternatives to popular products successfully increased sales of healthier foods.
  • Promotional activitycan drive increased sales of healthier and sustainable products, but more needs to be done to work out how to sustain this uplift once the promotion ends.
  • Reformulation– changing the ingredients of popular products can substantially reduce calories without having a negative impact on taste, quality or sales.

While results look promising, there are limitations to the current trailing approach and more needs to be done. Collaboration is key, however. Later this year, CHL will convene the CEOs of its member companies to agree on key questions that need answering to fast track progress on health. We urge companies to make reporting more transparent and set ambitious, meaningful targets, which are needed to build healthier and more sustainable lives for everyone in the UK.

Read the full report here.