Collaboration on Sustainability Reporting by GRI and ISSB

Collaboration on Sustainability Reporting by GRI and ISSB


2022年6月23日,星期四 - 上午8:45



Technical representatives from GRI and the International Sustainability Standards Board begin work on delivering the agreed MOU.

2022年6月23日,3BL媒体 / - 谅解备忘录,announced in March,承诺两个组织寻求协调工作计划和标准设定的活动。IFRS基金会和GRI认识到有必要进一步协调国际层面的可持续性报告格局。金博宝怎么注册IFRS和GRI标准可以看作是两个相互联系的报告支柱,这些报告支柱解决了不同的观点,可以共同构成一个全面的公司报告制度,以披露可持续性信息。金博宝怎么注册


  • 商定的会议和路线图的时间表,以推进合作的技术方面。
  • A mapping exercise to establish those requirements in draft IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 that are equivalent with GRI Standards, to guide an exercise on alignment of disclosures, guidance, concepts and definitions.
  • A comparison exercise of ISSB’s General Features and Qualitative Characteristics of Information with GRI 1: Foundation, to identify scope for alignment or explanation of differences.
  • GRI和ISSB生产的指导和其他材料之间交叉引用的方法的发展,以最大程度地提高信息准备者的用处。
  • 对未来的优先事项进行检查,以最大程度地提高存在相同或相似信息要求的联合标准制定和指导开发活动。
  • 对GRI和ISSB制定的标准分别是互补或差异的全面表达的发展,以及解释。
  • GRI staff outlined their proposed feedback to the consultation by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) on the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (the GRI response subsequently6月20日出版)。

Emmanuel Faber, Chair of the ISSB, said:

“ ISSB致力于创建满足投资者需求的全球报告标准基准。我们与GRI的合作将使我们的两个标准如何互动以提供兼容的报告标准套件,以满足更广泛的利益相关者需求,同时简化公司的需求,同时简化公司的需求。


GRI首席执行官Eelco Van der Enden说:

“ GRI与ISSB之间的合作意义重大,因为它反映了两个组织都重视共同努力以使我们的可持续发展标准保持一致的重要性。金博宝怎么注册我相信这不仅可以使公司更加清楚地报告预期,还可以提高报告数据的质量和相关性。因此,我欢迎到目前为止我们的谅解备忘录取得的进展。

这se outcomes are tangible first steps towards achieving the global, interconnected two-pillar system for corporate reporting, as envisaged through the MOU, which reflects the distinct yet equal importance of financial and impact materiality in sustainability reporting. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the IFRS Foundation and the ISSB in support of this aim.”

As per it’s due process imperative, any final agreement on how to operationalise the MOU will be dependent on the outcome of the ISSB’s consultation and on decisions made by the ISSB Board, once quorate. Similarly, approval by the GRI Global Sustainability Standards Board will be needed before any of these outcomes are implemented.

