
文章# 2


今年12月早些时候,旷野车间找到了下一代的年轻领导人环境举办写作比赛7 - 12年级学生从科罗拉多的咆哮叉山谷。旷野车间要求所有参与学生提交论文,故事或诗歌为什么他们认为荒野是很重要的。40人尊敬的联欢晚会的首映式永远野生,罗伯特·雷德福的PBS纪录片叙述,在阿斯彭的惠勒歌剧院,CO。此外,学生遇到了国会议员萨拉查和电影制作人切尔西Congdon和詹姆斯Brundige公认为他们编写提交。五个科罗拉多洛矶山学校的学生选择和荣幸。下面请找到他们的提交。有关更多信息,联系丽莎·罗利主任(科罗拉多洛矶山学校通信)或去链接。

想象你站在山顶。这只是你的看法。它是如此安静,你能听到自己的心跳。下面就有野性。在下面你可以看到一个鹰飞在树上。一切都覆盖着一层厚厚的雪。外面阳光明媚,你可以听到一些关于一些在树上松鼠战斗。当你眺望着这奇妙的观点你感觉和平。你所有的问题只是漂走。这都是你的,你可以过你想要的。 You don´t have to think about your job, school, or other people. It is just you and the wilderness and you are doing what you love.

这是荒野对我意味着什么。这对我来说是世界上最好的。感觉当你眺望着自然,没有文明。使它更好的是,我有一副对我的天空。低着头,我站在这雄伟的景观,我爱它。我站在那里也许10分钟看这美丽的景色和我´思考生活是一个美丽的礼物。我真幸运生活现在和我想和所有的人分享这我知道。我想让他们有机会看到我们自然是一个伟大的礼物。我深呼吸,我跳。从悬崖下降也许20英尺高,撞到地面时,我能感觉到作为一个软雪,冰冷的手抚摸着我的脸。 It feels like I am being shaken in a bowl of flour. I can´t see anything but suddenly the snow disappears from my face and I can see the beautiful wildness again. I am going down the mountain on my way back to the hut. It feels like I´m floating on the snow. It is a feeling that is impossible to describe, you have to try it yourself to understand it, but this is the closest you can get to walking on clouds. I am heading towards the trees. The forest look magical with the snow, on the trees, sparkling like diamonds. I am flying through the trees and I can only hear the snow flying around me. Suddenly I stop, I am looking around, trying to find my way back, but it all looks the same. I can hear my own breathing and feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. I go right hoping that it is the right way. The sun is getting brighter and I can now see an open field with snow on it sparkling like diamonds. But these diamonds mean more to me than real diamonds. These ones are my life and without them and this beautiful wilderness I don't know what I would do. It is my life and it is because of this I live. I am on the right way so I decide to head back to the hut. After an hour of walking I can see it. I get inside, hang up my stuff to dry, light a fire and I lay down on the couch. I look outside and I can see some deer just outside the hut. They look curious, and they are probably looking for food. I stare at the deer for a long time until they walk away.


Ludvig Ragnarsson / 11年级
