费城,2022年7月6日 / 3BL Media / -Comcast Nbcuniversal和Faceforward Productions宣布了他们即将到来的纪录片的合作伙伴关系黑色美容效果,仅在Xfinity频道上的《黑色体验》(Black Experience)上发布,这是黑人娱乐,电影,电视节目,新闻等的首个目的地。
来自创作者和执行制片人安德里亚·刘易斯(Degrassi:下一代黑人女演员),艾美奖CJ Faison(Giants&Junebug)以及Jackie Aina和Kahlana Barfield Brown,纪录片将通过领导指控的成功黑人妇女的镜头仔细研究过去和现在的社会变革。
与品牌高管,名人化妆师,美容编辑等坦率的对话,这些纪录片着重于影响者对业界不断变化的美感的影响。参与者包括美容影响者和EPS Jackie Aina和Kahlana Barfield Brown,Essence Mikki Taylor的前主编,黑色素头发护理惠特尼·怀特(Whitney White)的有影响力者兼联合创始人,北美的执行副总裁兼联合国美女和个人护理的首席运营官Esi Eggleston Bracey,《纽约时报》畅销作家,记者和第二年级的康德·纳斯特历史上的第二年级编辑伊莱恩·韦尔特罗斯(Elaine Welteroth)艾伦(Allen),女演员,歌手,作家和激进主义者艾伯·赖利(Amber Riley),艾伦(Allure)的主编杰西卡·布鲁尔(Jessica Cruel),艾尔·伊鲁·伊斯布斯(Allure Jihan Forbes)的数字发型编辑,Instagram Brooke Devard Ozaydinli的创意营销经理,化妆师,作家,作家,也是第一位黑人发言人和Ambassador对于Revlon和Covergirl Sam Fine,Thrive Causemetics Tiffani Carter的营销副总裁Tiffani Carter,名人发型师,美容专家和企业家Kim Kimble,visionary hairstylist Ursula Stephen, celebrity hairstylist Chuck Amos, influencer Shalom Blac, beauty vlogger and activist Nyma Tang, beauty influencer Ellarie, model, influencer and entrepreneur Choyce Brown, drag queen and comedian Bob The Drag Queen, Founder of The Lip Bar Melissa Butler,co-founder of Topicals Olamide Olowe, founder of Marsha’s Makeovers and MUA Marsha Page, VP of Marketing at Ulta Beauty Karla Davis, CEO and founder of Ami Colé Diarrha N’Diaye, CEO and co-founder of Mented Cosmetics KJ Miller, Creative Director of L’Oreal Sir John, Director of Face & Multicultural Beauty at L’Oreal Balanda Atis, CEO of Black Opal Cosmetics Desiree Rogers, Founder of Carol’s Daughter Lisa Price, owner of Aglow Dermatology Dr. Dina Strachan, Professor in the Department of American Studies at California State University, Fullerton Kristin Rowe, Associate Professor of Sociology Sabrina Strings PH.D., board certified award-winning dermatologist and AAD fellow Dr. Jeanine Downie and more.
“黑色美容效果是我梦想中的项目之一,”系列创作者安德里亚·刘易斯(Andrea Lewis)说。“As someone who grew up in the television and film industry, I’ve sat in more makeup chairs than I can count, and I have experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly of what it’s like being a Black woman and navigating the beauty space. I’ve always wanted to create a story that captured the fullness of our impact in the beauty industry, from the celebrity makeup artists, the Black beauty editors, and the countless beauty content creators. They’ve all been a part of bringing light to our impact. Comcast Xfinity has been amazing, and we couldn’t have asked for a better partner who not only believes in our story but also put their full support behind Black filmmakers."
“我们很高兴与创作者安德里亚·刘易斯(Andrea Lewis)和Faceforward Productions合作,将黑色美容效果在Xfinity频道上的黑人体验中,进一步推动了我们全公司投资的使命,即投资正宗的黑人故事和值得听到的声音。188bet上不了黑色美容效果。
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黑色美容效果由Kwanza Nicole Gooden导演,由Faceforward Productions生产。该系列是由安德里亚·刘易斯(Andrea Lewis)创作的,他与CJ Faison,Jackie Aina和Kahlana Barfield Brown一起担任执行制片人。艾美奖提名的Takara Joseph和Summer Griffiths(Scale Productions)与Andrena Hale一起担任制片人。
今年美国黑人电影节(ABFF)的与会者享受了特别的偷偷浏览筛查和亲密讨论黑色美容效果6月16日,星期四。在小组讨论期间,系列创作者安德里亚·刘易斯(Andrea Lewis),美容专家卡拉纳·巴尔菲尔德·布朗(Kahlana Barfield Brown),天然发型企业家惠特尼·怀特(Whitney White)(又名@naptural85)和艾美奖提名的执行制片人CJ Faison强调了黑人妇女及其对美女的巨大影响industry, despite history’s erasure of their stories.
“ Faceforward Productions团队抓住机会进行高管制作并带来黑色美容效果系列生命,继续提升并扩大黑人妇女的威严和独创性。该系列为在全球范围内创造文化运动,纪念黑人妇女的贡献并在美容行业深处嵌入影响力奠定了基础。In the spirit of our company’s mission to capture the shared human experience through one forward-facing, culturally-nuanced lens, we knew joining forces with Andrea Lewis and Comcast would offer the perfect partnership,” said CJ Faison, Founder/ CEO, FaceForward Productions.
Xfinity的黑色体验是黑人娱乐,电影,电视节目,新闻等的首个目的地。在家可用xfinity x1和柔性,并与xfinity流App是Xfinity的Black Experience除了Xfinity现有网络合作伙伴的内容外,Xfiniversal和其他主要工作室的原始和高质量内容外,也没有支付Xfinity客户的额外费用。该频道是非洲裔美国电影评论家协会(AAFCA)认可的唯一同类频道,这是世界上最大的黑色电影评论家群体,为电影和电视的卓越表现提供了年度奖项。
Xfinity客户可以在1622频道上访问黑色体验,或者简单地将“黑色体验”在语音遥控器中说明,以立即享受《黑色故事》的终极。访问https://www.xfinity.com/learn/digital-cable-tv/black-experience要了解有关Xfinity和其他黑色编程的黑色体验的更多信息,X1,Flex和Xfinity Stream应用程序可提供。
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