费城,3月6日2023 / 3提单媒体/ -康卡斯特公司宣布发行10亿美元的10年期绿色债券,为投资者提供机会支持环保工作如那些目前正在进行或正在考虑的一部分,康卡斯特的目标是到2035年实现碳中和。
- 自2019年以来范围1和2减排31%。
- 两倍多的使用可再生电力从2020年到2021年。
- 减少康卡斯特有线每消耗的能源tb从2019年到2021年的近30%。
- 驾驶电动车及混合动力车在选择地点,包括前四款电动有轨电车在环球影城好莱坞舰队。
- 增加绿色建筑的数量拥有或占有,包括LEED白金康卡斯特公司技术中心。
康卡斯特与标普全球评级获得独立乙方的意见绿色融资框架,得出框架是符合国际绿色债券原则》(2021)和LMA / LSTA APLMA绿色贷款原则(2021)。
美国银行证券公司是唯一的绿色组织代理,一个活跃的帐簿管理人,协调员少数民族和妇女拥有的经纪自营商的交易。也领先的绿色债券伤残退伍军人创建活跃的簿记管理人是小企业学院证券公司,非洲裔美国人拥有循环资本市场LLC鳞次栉比塞缪尔·a·拉米雷斯& Company Inc .)和非裔美国人,女性Siebert威廉姆斯柄& Co . LLC。所有10个联席事务上的多元化公司。
这个新闻稿包含语句可能构成前瞻性陈述。在评估这些语句时,您应该考虑各种因素,包括我们描述的风险和不确定性的“风险因素”一节我们最近的年度报告形成10 - k和其他报告提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)。因素,可能导致实际结果不同物质从这些前瞻性陈述包括变化和/或风险:竞争环境;消费者行为;广告市场;编程成本;消费者接受我们的内容;密钥分发和/或许可协议;使用和保护我们的知识产权;我们依赖第三方硬件、软件和业务支持; keeping pace with technological developments; cyber attacks, security breaches or technology disruptions; weak economic conditions; acquisitions and strategic initiatives; operating businesses internationally; natural disasters, severe weather-related and other uncontrollable events; loss of key personnel; laws and regulations; adverse decisions in litigation or governmental investigations; labor disputes; and other risks described from time to time in reports and other documents we file with the SEC. There are also certain risks and challenges we may face in meeting our environmental goals that are beyond our control, including political, economic, regulatory and geopolitical conditions, the evolution of carbon offset markets, limited large-scale investments and innovations in technology and infrastructure, and supply chain and labor issues. The inclusion of forward-looking statements that may address our corporate responsibility initiatives, progress, plans and goals in this press release is not an indication that they are necessarily material to investors or required to be disclosed in our filings with the SEC. Such statements may contain estimates, make assumptions based on developing standards that may change and provide aspirations and commitments that are not intended to be promises or guarantees. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made, and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or our actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any such forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise.