最初发表在NRG Energy的2020年可持续性报告中金博宝怎么注册
2014年,我们建立了行业领先的温室气体减少目标,并在2015年成为全球最初的十家公司之一,该公司将我们的脱碳目标验证为由基于科学的目标倡议(SBTI)一致的2摄氏度。NRG在2019年宣布加速了这些温室气体排放的目标,以与新联合国气候变化局(IPCC)指南保持一致,该指南要求将全球变暖限制为后工业时代的摄氏1.5摄氏度。We are now targeting a 50% reduction by 2025 from our current 2014 baseline and net-zero emissions by 2050. Our goal covers all of NRG’s direct emissions (scope 1), all of its purchased energy (scope 2), and the employee business travel portion of scope 3. As of December 31, 2020, we had reduced our cumulative emissions by 55% relative to our current 2014 baseline. The decrease is attributed to reductions in fleet-wide annual net generation, a market-driven shift away from coal as a primary fuel to natural gas, and in 2020 reduced load as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe the 2020 emissions level may change as load recovers from the impact of COVID-19. NRG is continuing to target a 50% reduction by 2025 and is on track to meet that goal.
我们很荣幸能够通过SBTI批准我们的排放量减少目标 - 如前所述,首次在2015年,当时我们的目标被宣布为2摄氏度,而最近在2021年3月,当时我们目前的目标为1.5摄氏度。- 与当前最雄心勃勃的名称保持一致,以及最新的气候科学告诉我们,需要防止气候变化最大的破坏性影响。NRG是北美第一家实现此名称的电力公司,在全球仅十二个。