Companies Step Up to Support U.S. Students Returning to School

Companies Step Up to Support U.S. Students Returning to School

艾伦·R·德里西奥(Ellen R. Delisio)的话
Friday, September 3, 2021 - 10:00am


非营利性AductionAclassroom.org执行董事Ann Pifer说:“过去一年对K-12学生来说是如此挑战。”“我们认为我们正在取得进展,但是(对于12岁以下的儿童来说,缺乏疫苗将意味着口罩并再次对许多学区疏远。最大的问题是学习损失并帮助学生追赶。进入今年,需求比以往任何时候都更大。” has provided funding for school supplies to classrooms and families in need since 1998. The nonprofit pivoted to offer immediate assistance to ease distance learning in the early months of the pandemic, and now it’s challenged to do so again as schools welcome back some students who have not been in physical classrooms in over a year. With school doors already opening in many districts,92 percent of classroomshave students whose families cannot afford to purchase any school supplies for their children.


As the pandemic shut down schools, educators were sent scrambling to create new lesson plans and become instant experts in distance learning. The situation not only brought national attention to many of the inequities among school districts, but it also exacerbated them. “There are vast differences between schools and between districts, and the public has not been aware of the extent of that issue,” Pifer told 3p. “The pandemic emphasized the technology gap: It showed where some students don’t have technology at home,” she added. “Before it was an inconvenience. Now we know it is a major equity issue.”

amedaclasroom.org于2020年3月启动COVID-19 Relief Fund for Teachers and Students旨在部署快速资金来购买平板电脑和其他用品,以帮助学生与全国高需求学校的老师重新建立联系,包括纽约,波士顿,芝加哥和洛杉矶。总的来说,去年该组织资助的教室中约有80%位于全国的高需求学校中

But despite this effort and many others like it across the country, the inability to access classroom materials, including laptops, caused many students to fall behind. According to 65 percent of teachers surveyed by, students who did not have the necessary tools were less likely to participate during distance learning. More than half of teachers said they had students who did not engage with their curriculum during the last school year at all.

Teachers have been pulling out their own checkbooks to make up the funding gap.According to, about 96 percent of teachers purchase supplies for their students, spending an average of $750 annually. Increased student needs during remote learning prompted teachers to dig deeper: About 30 percent of teachers surveyed by reported spending $1,000 out of pocket on supplies last year. “A lot feel like they have to pull their own money,” Pifer said. “I wish more members of the public knew the sacrifices teachers make. Teachers were under incredible stress.”


Studies show that while most children lost some academic ground over the past 18 months,有色学生落后于他们的白人。那些在远程学习中资源不足的学生和其他资源不足的人将在今年的追赶中,而且对于慷慨的教育者来说,需求太大了。Pifer告诉我们:“课堂预算不足以支付今年的费用。”

企业和社区组织正在加紧满足需求188bet网址怎么打不开,许多与undionAclassroom.org合作:教育工作者可以在Addanclassroom的网站上注册,并列出所需的耗材或服务,并为他们提供AddentAcrooms Reclass Recss的赞助商。188bet上不了该小组有30个合作伙伴在不同的水平上参加,其中一些支持教室,而另一些合作伙伴则为特定活动提供筹款活动。Pifer说:“消费者比以往任何时候都更关心公司以支持社区,以及他们是否将其视为积极力量。”

一家支持这些努力的公司是美国斯巴鲁自2016年以来一直与AddayAclassroom.org合作的一部分斯巴鲁喜欢学习倡议和今年扩大了参与。600多家斯巴鲁零售商正在与当地社区中的高需求学校合作,以确保为K-12学生提供更好的教育成果。AddayAclassroom.org与Subaru零售商的当地社区中的1所学校相匹配,零售商与学校校长一起选择需要“采用”的教室。188bet网址怎么打不开收养教室的老师可以直接在undionaClassroom.org的市场上使用,教师可以为学生或教室购买商品。通过Subaru Love Learning运动,斯巴鲁将帮助全国超过114,000名学生和4,700多个教室。

"At Subaru, we are committed to ensuring that students have the resources they need to not only learn, but to bring the subjects to life, fostering real interest and intellectual growth in each young individual," Alan Bethke, senior vice president of marketing for Subaru of America, Inc.,said in a statement。“我们很高兴与Addayaclassroom.org合作,使所有孩子都可以学习学习,并使他们走上成功之路。”


Corporations also are responding to a broader scope of needs. “We’ve really seen significant shifts in corporate philanthropy over the past year,” Pifer observed. “We see it being more responsive to societal issues, such as racial equity. It has caused many corporations to think about what they can do to make a difference.”

例如,amedaclassroom.org启动了Racial Equity in Schools Fundlast June in response to demand from educators for more and better learning tools for students who are Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC). “We received an unprecedented number of grant applications, more than ever before,” Pifer recalled. Donors overwhelmingly responded to the requests, and 574 educators across the country received funding to improve education for students of color. “Teachers needed materials and training to make changes in classrooms,” Pifer said.

Stories like these are bright spots amidst the harsh lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic. Society has learned where many of the educational inequities are, and now the assignment is to address them so schools are not caught off guard again. “We have to put more focus on how we can bridge that technology gap and think about planning for the future,” Pifer said. “Schools need to be better prepared for future crises.”

