Corporate Purpose Is the Tie That Binds: CECP’s Annual Trends Report

Corporate Purpose Is the Tie That Binds: CECP’s Annual Trends Report

By Daryl Brewster, CEO, CECP

Sunday, December 16, 2018 - 6:00pm

Leading companies are laser-focused oncorporate purpose.They explore what their purpose is and how it translates to their people and community and bring that purpose to life through intentional practices and strategies. They use a human-centered lens for all business operations because it helps them see around corners and delivers a competitive edge. All this leads to a future-forward outlook that enables a long-term view. Within this purpose megatrend, we see five prominent themes:Employee Power, Collaborative Advocacy, Responsible Tech, Long-Term Growth Going Mainstream, and Impact Measured.



Two thousand eighteen was the year of the employee. Low unemployment rates and the ongoing war for talent have created a new focus on the needs of the employee to bolster recruitment, training, and retention efforts. At the same time, people are finding opportunities to speak up in support of their purpose and values. And these voices have enormous power:员工的社交媒体帖子can generate 8X more engagement than when a brand shares similar content. The intersection of these two trends is employee power. Leading companies are listening to and supporting the needs of their employees, and providing tools and resources to elevate those voices.

Companies are doubling down on support and protection for employees in ways such aseducation,nonprofit fellowships,healthcare,pro bono sabbaticals, 和更多。在Google, employees used the tools the company gave them—a culture of speaking out and collaborative tech —to make a difference in the world.

What CECP is Doing:

CECP tracks employee power through our work on diversity & inclusion (D&I), employee communications, purpose and fulfillment in the workplace, and through给予数字, the unrivaled leader in benchmarking on corporate social investments. Findings include:

  • Matching gifts:Hidden in traditional giving programs is a mighty employee power tool, and companies have figured out how to supercharge them. Sixty-two percent of companies offered employee-choice matching gifts (给予数字).
  • 目的和成就:CECP,势在必行,普华永道的report,Building a Fulfilling Employee Experience, uncovered fulfillment as the focal point of individual purpose and the new employee power structure. Eighty-two percent of employees agree that fulfillment is primarily their own responsibility, and 42% say that they are their own greatest barrier to finding fulfillment at work.
  • 员工通讯:领先的公司利用员工认可计划和自动反馈渠道,供员工分享他们的故事。公司不仅可以自上而下;他们还可以一次分享一个声音。
  • Diversity & Inclusion:CECP’sDiversity & Inclusion in Corporate Social Engagement, with theWalmart Foundation,发现员工正在成立D&Iemployee resource groups(ERGS),可以访问预算,以识别和支持他们关心的问题和组织。


Employee passions and needs will continue to dominate. Companies will employ complex (and simple) listening strategies, both digital and in person, such as town halls, focus groups, and advisory committees, to assess and test programs, policies, and messages.

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