博客,由黛博拉·罗兹曼Intech量子的哲理,Inc .的总裁兼首席执行官(dba心脏数学Inc .)
心脏数学博客,由黛博拉·罗兹曼Intech量子的哲理,Inc .的总裁兼首席执行官(dba心脏数学Inc .)
4月16日th是国家压力意识日和四月是国家压力宣传月,和我们大多数人正在经历增加压力。很明显,企业社会责任涉及个人和企业责任的压力。这里只是一些的原因:·慢性压力加剧了健康和性能问题·员工的沟通与高压力高出46%的医疗费用(JOEM 2009)·61%的劳动力是影响慢性压力,导致3000亿美元损失的生产力(英雄)。我Intech量子的哲理Inc .的总裁兼首席执行官(dba心脏数学Inc .)和我将会写一个系列的博客分享健康和减轻压力的重要性作为一个重要组成部分和企业社会责任(CSR)的指标。金博宝手机版网页我一直一个心理学家,作家,联合创始人两个非营利组织和营利企业的企业家自1978年以来与社会任务。有趣的是,我不知道CSR-focused公司或社会资本市场,直到我参加了金博宝手机版网页2008届社会资本市场会议。多么感人的、令人瞠目结舌的经验对我来说。感人的,我与很多企业家和投资者与我产生了共鸣。我们都曾参与组织任务,关心人类和地球多年。大开眼界,因为我没有意识到有一个新生的运动(当时)的投资者更关心他们的钱建立一个社会投资回报率作为经济回报。我还发现巨大的接受能力和需要为我公司的卫生技术企业家和投资者。心脏数学赋予减压和行为改变。 Our mission is to facilitate a fundamental shift in health, well-being and consciousness globally. “Quantum Intech looks at a variety of symptomatic health problems endemic to modern U.S. lifestyles – such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, and chronic disease markers – and instead of just addressing these symptoms, as most companies do, HeartMath addresses the systemic root causes with a simple set of solutions.” —Heather Van Dusen, Certification/Community Development Director, B-Lab As CEO of the American Psychological Association Norman Anderson presented in the APA’s 2010在美国的压力调查,他说,“压力很容易成为我们的下一个公共健康危机。”The APA’s survey showed many Americans were caught in a vicious cycle of managing stress in unhealthy ways, but lacked both the willpower and the time to change. In honor of National Stress Awareness Day, I want to share one of HeartMath’s proven stress reduction techniques that you can use right away, called “Notice and Ease™” that helps you identify and neutralize stressful emotions and attitudes that drain energy. By noticing and admitting what you are feeling – anxiety, frustration, tension, etc. and gently focusing on your heart and relaxing as you breathe – you can e-a-s-e out a lot of the stressful feelings. Here are the steps. Step 1. Notice and admit what you are feeling. To gain more insight about your emotions, you will need to become more aware of what you are feeling. Noticing and admitting what you are feeling requires slowing down and taking stock. Periodically, throughout the day simply pause and notice how you feel. It takes only a few seconds to ask, "What am I feeling right now?" Step 2. Try to name the feeling. Simply by naming the feeling to yourself, whatever it is – worry, anxiety, frustration, hurt, resistance or even a vague disturbance – will help you admit what you are feeling. Being honest about naming what you are feeling helps regulate your emotional energy, slowing down the emotional energy running through your system and giving you more power. Step 3. Tell yourself to ease…as you gently focus in your heart, relax as you breathe and e-a-s-e the stress out. As you tell yourself to ease in your heart, relax and ease the stressful emotion out, feel as if the unwanted emotion is leaving your system. Don’t force it out; ease it out. Befriend the reaction by holding it in your heart, then let the feeling ease out of your system. Use the Notice and Ease™ tool for one minute often through your day. Keep using Notice and Ease™ tool for one minute or longer, until you feel something lighten up, even if you don’t get an immediate, complete release. Quite often you can experience so many feelings within just five minutes. Don’t let this confuse you. Don’t even try to figure out why. Just keep practicing the Notice and Ease™ tool until your energies come back in balance. Then listen to the intuitive guidance of your heart on what to do next. Click在这里更多的自由心脏数学压力的解决方案。是黛博拉·罗兹曼的总裁兼首席执行官Intech量子的哲理,公司。(dba心脏数学Inc .)和服务于心脏数学研究所的顾问委员会。Intech量子的哲理,以其科学的验证心脏数学®程序,是世界领袖的个人和组织减压。心脏数学为个人和企业提供了一套工具,方法和技术为自己导航的压力,改变时间。使组织实现心脏数学程序在一年内2:1 ROI在降低医疗成本——同时增加员工的满意度和性能。总储蓄——从增强性能和额外的回报——加起来快,为公司创造显著价值主张和社会作为一个整体。Intech量子的哲理也有一个强大的声誉作为一个对社会负责的三重底线的公司使命与501 (c) 3压力非盈利研究机构,心脏数学研究所,它提供了心脏数学缺医少药的压力的解决方案,包括学校、社区服务组织和退伍军人。188bet网址怎么打不开QINT13101