
克莱尔·麦卡锡(Claire McCarthy)|全球董事可持续性,安全与安全金博宝怎么注册
2021年12月13日,美国东部时间12:00 pm

Keysight Blog

水是一种有限且宝贵的自然资源,受到全球气候变化的威胁,其影响已经很明显。例如,在过去的50年中,美国许多地区的年降雨量减少。世界各地,缺水已经影响三分之一人,小于1%of the earth’s water is safe for consumption. In addition, according to theEPA,持续的气候变化很可能导致水需求增加,同时又缩小了供水,尤其是在人口增长的地区。即使在没有如此高的水短缺风险的地区,预计洪水或海平面上升的增加也会增加,这反过来又影响了可用水的质量,并严重损害了用于输送消耗水的基础设施。

These impacts on water supply directly affect agriculture, energy production, environmental ecosystems, and, of course, human health. But it also goes beyond those impacts and can affect business operations across industries, which can take an additional community and economic toll. As such, Keysight actively works towards water conservation and reducing our exposure to water-related risks.

Though Keysight, as a software and solutions-based company, isn’t a significant user of water and has minimal risk to business operations from water-related issues, we believe it is important for all companies to help enable a sustainable future and we do our part accordingly. Along with multiple environmental programs that support mitigating the effects of climate change, Keysight utilizes a strategic approach to our water stewardship through water usage, treatment, and conservation efforts.

  • 我们的用水

Keysight manufacturing facilities use water for direct operational processes in wafer fab and micro part processing, and in indirect operations primarily for consumption (e.g., drinking water, restrooms, and cafeterias) and chiller systems. Most of the water used by Keysight is withdrawn from third party sources, such as municipal supply, with a small percentage withdrawn from well water. Regardless, all water discharged by Keysight is managed and treated by municipal wastewater treatment systems and meets discharge requirements.

  • Our water treatment


  • 我们的节水


Just as important as implementing these efforts is the need to regularly assess and report on their results. To support continuous improvement, part of Keysight’s DNA as a measurement company, we report annually on our water consumption and conservation efforts. In addition, we regularly assess for water-related risks that could impact our business, using the World Resources Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas to review water stress in areas where we operate. These efforts help ensure we are addressing consequential water-related matters, not only for our operations but also the communities in which we operate.


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