

(3提单媒体/可比我们栗树山,质金博宝手机版网页量- - - 4月19日,2011年的一个视频展示了康明斯工程师工作带来一个创新的发电系统在印度一个偏远村庄首先在年度企业公民电影节,这吸引了创纪录数量的视频条目,看到选民洪水在线调查记录。

卡罗尔管理学院的企业公民中心波士顿学院进行了电影节作为它的一部分2011年国际企业公民会议,于4月10 - 12,在明尼阿波利斯。共有37家公司提交视频争夺奖杯电影节最佳示范使用视频来告诉一个企业公民的故事。加入康明斯的10名决赛选手是好事达,雅芳,达索系统公司股价,安永(Ernst & Young),联邦快递,马拉松石油公司、西南航空公司、泰科和科大全球。真是太好了看到这个杰出的项目得到认可这种方式,”卡罗尔说Casto,康明斯的社区参与,叙述了188bet网址怎么打不开视频Padarwadi的村庄并接受奖杯在满座的观众超过500人的会议。“竞争非常强烈。我们的康明斯印度员工应该非常自豪。”Headquartered in Columbus, Ind., Cummins designs, manufactures, distributes and services engines and related technologies. The video tells the story of how Cummins India engineers developed a power generation system that runs on oil from the seeds of three indigenous trees found near Padarwadi. Working with village leaders and a local charitable group, Cummins employees disassembled the generator, a rice mill and the machinery to extract oil from the seeds, and helped carry it all down the path to Padarwadi, where it was re-assembled for use. “Cummins’ entry is a tremendous demonstration of the power of video to tell an inspiring corporate citizenship story for a company,” said Katherine V. Smith, executive director of the Center for Corporate Citizenship. “All of the festival entries show that companies recognize the importance of using video, as well as other media, to communicate the good work they are doing in communities locally and globally.” The Carroll School of Management Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College is a membership-based research organization committed to helping business leverage its social, economic and human assets to ensure both its success and a more just and sustainable world. As a leading resource on corporate citizenship, the Center works with global corporations to help them define, plan and operationalize their corporate citizenship. Through the power of research, management and leadership programs, and the insights of its more than 360 corporate members, the Center creates knowledge, value and demand for corporate citizenship.www.BCCorporateCitizenship.org更多信息请联系:< 0}。
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