


  • 82所大学获得了CVS健康基金会,美国癌症协会和真相倡议的赠款,以帮助提供无烟草的一代
  • Partnership has helped over 200 schools advocate for, adopt and implement tobacco-free campuses
Monday, March 25, 2019 - 4:35pm

CONTENT: Press Release

R.I. Woonsocket,2019年3月25日 / 3BL Media / - 作为其致力于建立更健康社区的承诺的一部分,CVS Health [NYSE:CVS]宣布了超过140万美元的新捐赠。大学,帮助他们倡导,采用和实施100%的烟雾和无烟的校园政策,包括限制使用电子烟。与美国癌症协会和真理计划合作交付的新赠款基于这三个组织的共同承诺,致力于帮助发行无烟草。


The funding announced today will help accelerate and expand the number of campuses across the country that prohibit smoking, e-cigarette, and other tobacco product use. While conventional cigarette smoking among high school students has fallen by almost 50 percent since 2011, e-cigarette use has surged over the last year, especially among young people there are 2.8 million young adults aged 18-24 who are current e-cigarette users. The spread of e-cigarettes risks a reversal of the progress made in reducing smoking over the last two decades given that young people who vape are four times more likely to begin smoking cigarettes in the future.

"A critical goal for us in building healthier communities across the country is reducing tobacco-use, which remains one of the leading causes of preventable death in this country," said Eileen Howard Boone, President of the CVS Health Foundation. "By helping more colleges and universities explore and execute on tobacco-free policies, we're able to positively influence the number of new college-age smokers and get one step closer to our goal of seeing the first tobacco-free generation."

The grants are part ofBe The First, CVS Health's five-year, $50 million initiative to deliver the nation's first tobacco-free generation, which is a major program within the company's new $100 millionBuilding Healthier Communities倡议。自2012年以来,烟雾或无烟的美国大学的数量已翻了一番,但全国近5,000所学校中,大约一半仍然没有全面的政策。

在CVS Health Foundation的支持下,美国癌症协会和真理计划计划可帮助学生,教职员工制定和执行策略,这些策略经过定制,以满足每个校园的独特需求,并将学校朝着100%的烟雾和烟草送达100%环境。自2016年以来,这些组织共同为200多个大学提供了财务和技术支持,帮助清除了超过一百万学生的空气。

"While the teen smoking rate has fallen to an all-time low of 4.6 percent, the rapid rise in e-cigarette use threatens to erase this progress given youth who vape are four times more likely to progress to smoking deadly cigarettes," said Robin Koval, CEO and President of Truth Initiative. "Over the years, we've had great success in working with colleges to go smoke- and tobacco-free. They now play a critical role in also addressing the e-cigarette epidemic as vaping becomes even more prevalent on campuses across the U.S. Together with our partners, we look forward to empowering as many colleges and universities as possible with the information and resources they need to end all tobacco use for good."

"Cigarettes cause more than 480,000 U.S. deaths annually and are responsible for nearly 29 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S.," said Gary Reedy, CEO of the American Cancer Society. "College is a time when young adults are susceptible to developing or perpetuating an addiction to nicotine and tobacco. This partnership continues to enable us to help reduce tobacco use among college students and therefore reduce the number of people impacted by tobacco-related diseases."


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关于the CVS Health Foundation
CVS Health Foundation是由CVS Health创建的私人慈善组织,致力于建立更健康的社区,使各个年龄段的人们都能过上健康,生产的生活。该基金会向美国各地的非营利性合作伙伴提供战略投资,他们帮助增加了服务不足的人群获得基于社区的医疗保健,为慢性病管理创造了创新的方法,并提供烟草戒烟和预防青年预防计划。188bet网址怎么打不开我们还投资了奖学金计划,以开放药房职业的途径,以支持该行业中最优秀和最聪明的人才的学术愿望。我们的慈善事业也扩展到通过志愿者挑战赠款向非营利组织捐赠时间和筹款工作的志愿者挑战,以支持同事的志愿服务精神。要了解有关CVS健康基金会及其捐赠的更多信息,请访问

关于the American Cancer Society

Truth Initiative是一个国家公共卫生组织,正在鼓舞无烟的生活并建立一种文化,所有青年和年轻人都拒绝烟草。关于烟草和烟草业的真相是我们经过验证和全国认可的真相公共教育运动的核心188bet网址怎么打不开烟草。华盛顿特区 - 基于以前称为遗产的组织,是通过1998年来自46个州,五个美国领土和烟草行业的总检察长之间建立和资助的。要了解有关真理计划如何讲话,寻求和传播有关烟草的真相的更多信息,请访问

Media Contacts:

Nicole Dueffert

Mary Gattuso

Charaighn Sesock