CVS /药店的“健康”项目将提供超过2100万美元的预防性健康检查活动于2012年在美国
(3提单媒体/可比我们文索基特,金博宝手机版网页RI - 2月8日,2012 - CVS /制药、全国领先的零售药店,今天宣布推出项目健康的身份在西班牙语)祝您健康,健康计划交付超过价值2100万美元的免费健康检查多元文化社区。
程序,其目的是通过早期检测预防疾病,从CVS /药店的成功对你的健康/苏祝您健康运动。今年项目健康将免费提供一组全面的健康风险评估和筛查在特定疾病国家卫生意识五个月的时间从美国心脏月(2月)糖尿病宣传月(11月)。超过1000项目卫生事件定于2012年在亚特兰大,芝加哥,达拉斯-沃斯堡,底特律、休斯顿、洛杉矶、迈阿密、纽约、费城和华盛顿。事件还计划在CVS /药房的位置在波多黎各。“我们知道,由于各种原因多元文化群体有困难访问和受益于预防保健,“Troyen a。布伦南说,医学博士,每,Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer,CVS Caremark。“使这个问题更加不安,这些患者不成比例地受到某些治疗的条件,如高血压和糖尿病。通过项目健康、CVS /药房将努力实现更好的健康结果多元文化的人群,再次承诺帮助人们在他们的路径更健康。”Project Health is a part of efforts by CVS/pharmacy to improve access to preventive care and ensure that cost is not a barrier to important services, like professional health assessments and screenings. Project Health events, while offered to address and raise awareness of ethnic health disparities, are open to everyone and will not require an appointment. Medical personnel will be on hand to provide diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and osteoporosis screenings, and examine patients for oral care issues. Referrals for mammograms and pap smears will also be provided as well as consultations with nurse practitioners and CVS pharmacists. A selection of screenings will be available at each event. Once screened, CVS/pharmacy will help patients through on-site consultations with bi-lingual (Spanish/English) nurse practitioners who will analyze the results and refer patients to no-cost or low-cost medical facilities within that neighborhood or to their primary care physician should additional follow-up be required. In 2011, CVS/pharmacy provided free and low-cost medical screenings and services valued at $150per person through the To Your Health/A Su Salud programs. Over 162,000 people were screened during last year's events, underscoring the demand for these important services. Of the individuals screened, many health concerns were discovered, including:57%的人至少有一个异常筛选结果
项目卫生事件将在指定的CVS /药房的位置只在工作日每天从3 - 7点没有预约在美国心脏月(2月),少数民族健康月(4月),免疫宣传月(8月),口腔卫生宣传月(10月)和糖尿病宣传月(11月)。更多的信息,和一个完整的日历项目卫生事件,请去或致电1 - 800 -商店——cvs。
CVS Caremark公司致力于为来自各行各业的人,不同文化和生活方式在我们的市场运作。作为这些努力的一部分,CVS /药房进行项目健康多元文化社区在美国和波多黎各,股市商店产品分类吸引多样化的文化团体,在适当的地方提供了语言标识在多种语言和分发处方药相关信息。关于CVS /药房CVS /制药、CVS Caremark公司的零售部门(NYSE: CVS),是美国领先的零售药店有超过7300 CVS /药房和多头药店。CVS /药房改造药房来帮助人们更好的健康之路,以最通俗易懂的、个性化的专业知识,在其商店和在线。一般信息关于CVS /药房和CVS Caremark是可用的。CVS20964