经过乔伊·布鲁门菲尔德(Joey Blumenfeld)
在我目前在AOL的角色中,我发现自己使用了“ AOL在帮助人们的业务中”一词,但我从来没有比上周末更感受到它的感觉。在我的共同队长,令人难以置信且无所畏惧的珍妮特·巴里斯(Janet Balis)的帮助下,我决定在全国各地集会AOL员工,参加周期的生存,这是一个室内团队自行车活动,为罕见的癌症研究筹集了资金。Now if you know me, you’ll know that I’m slightly obsessed with indoor spinning (Soul Cycle, Flywheel, you name it!) and I’m involved with non-profit organizations and causes on a daily basis, so rallying our office around this event was something I wanted to jump on from the very start. I knew that I could persuade my friends at work to fundraise and participate in the event, but I am still BLOWN AWAY by the level of participation I’ve seen across 6 different AOL offices- over 100 employees (in addition to Arianna) have participated in this event and together, we’ve raised $63K which will go directly to rare cancer research! I get chills down my spine when I think about how our company has come together to not only raise money, but to generate awareness around the importance of finding a cure for rare cancers (which comprise about 50% of all cancers).
比平时比平常早起,来自公司各地的45名纽约市员工在Equinox Graybar见面,轮流骑自行车并互相欢呼。房间里的精力和热情具有感染力 - 在令人心动的和汗水引起的骑行之间,我们听到了有关亲人失去与癌症和仍在战斗的亲人战斗的故事,而不是感到悲伤,我感到希望。我希望,由于诸如生存周期之类的事件,以及像AOL这样的公司,他们将员工聚集在一起以支持癌症研究,我们不仅会找到治愈癌症的方法,而且我们会在我们的一生中找到一种治疗方法。
尽管我们可能已经进入了AOL,Huffington Post和Patch的单独团队的员工,但我们可能已经走进了春分,但我们还是作为为同一件事而战的一个单位 - 一种治疗方法。对我来说,这一经验中最好的部分之一就是有机会在我们公司中拥有如此多的新面孔来实现这一目标。我喜欢认识团队中的每个人,我期待明年再次集结我们的部队!