达纳·洛厄尔(Dana Lowell
达纳·洛厄尔(Dana Lowell
波士顿,2021年9月23日 / 3BL媒体 / - 推动其致力于帮助美国运输客户实现和超越其排放和可持续性目标的承诺,WSP USA(领先的工程和专业服务咨询公司)欢迎Dana Lowell向该公司提供零排放(零排放)(金博宝怎么注册188bet上不了ZE)高级技术顾问。
WSP国家公交和铁路市场负责人Frank Banko说:“努力成为零排放运输解决方案的领导者,WSP很高兴能让Dana加入我们的运输和铁路业务ZE团队。”“达娜(Dana)将带来数十年的经验和对高级车辆技术的热情,重点是替代燃料,高级混合动力,电池电动和燃料电池电动驱动系统。”
In his new role, Lowell will be responsible for enhancing WSP’s ability to deliver technical excellence through all zero emissions initiatives, collaborate with the firm’s global rail network to share international best practices, recruit ZE specialists to expand the depth and breadth of WSP's Future Ready™ capabilities, conduct technical reviews of current initiatives and collaborate with the firm’s Transit and Rail market and practice leaders.
As an employee of MTA New York City Transit’s Department of Buses, and most recently as a senior vice president leading the advanced vehicle technology group for a Massachusetts-based environmental consulting firm, Lowell was no stranger to the real-world challenges of major fleet operations. He spent the past 25 years providing practical solutions to transit agencies and large fleet operators as they endeavor to reduce and eliminate emissions.
WSP国家运输和铁路市场负责人Jannet Walker-Ford表示:“ WSP专注于支持成功实施零排放计划。”“我们继续招募该行业最好和最聪明的人,并为达娜加入WSP的ZE团队而感到高兴。”
洛厄尔(Lowell)是一名美国陆军老将,毕业于普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),获得了机械工程学士学位,以及纽约大学的伦纳德·斯特恩·斯特恩商学院(Leonard N. Stern Stern Business of School of School of School of School of Inservice Inderioning of Unighenation Engineering of Engineing of Uniguctical Engineering of Machelor's of Uniguartion Engineering of Mennogical Engineering of Mennogical Engineering''毕业于工商管理和运营管理硕士学位。
WSP USA是WSP的美国运营公司,WSP是世界领先的工程和专业服务公司之一。188bet上不了我们是为当地社区提供服务的,我们是工程师,规划师,技术专家,战略顾问和建筑管理专业人员。WSP美国在建筑物,运输,能源,水和环境市场中设计持久的解决方案。我们在美国200个办事处拥有12,000多名员工,我们与客户合作,以帮助社区繁荣发展。wsp.com