


四个,五个美国人说,他们将捐赠给慈善组织尽可能多的如果不是今年超过2008年,但三分之二的受访者表示,他们越来越关注测量他们的捐款的影响,结果显示第二舵柄社会行动的调查,今天公布的舵柄,LLC主要宣传营销咨询公司。“这是一个具有挑战性的一年对很多美国人来说。失业率创下25年新高,市场触及12年低点,但我们渴望帮助别人从来没有动摇过,”罗布·邓森舵柄创始人兼首席执行官说。”也就是说,强调经济使我们更具价值意识——在我们的个人支出和我们的慈善事业。这是一个趋势,非营利组织是不明智的,不容忽视。“2009舵柄社会行动的调查是为了更好地理解美国人的态度和行为相对于公民和慈善活动。它是通过互联网进行的11月27日至12月2日,2009年全国马修Greenwald & Associates的调查公司。所有受访者至少21岁。1000年采访的误差在+ / - -3.1%。最初的调查是在2006年10月进行的。的慈善本能保持强劲的美国人仍然非常专注于帮助别人。百分之九十七的被调查者说,重要的是要造成更大的利益;相比之下,98%的人回答说,在2006年的调查。百分之八十二的受访者说重要的是要捐款,79%在2009年已经这么做了。“根据舵柄的研究,29%的美国人将捐赠更多的比去年,”布赖恩说珀尔曼在格林沃尔德& Associates合伙人和高级副总裁。最近的数据显示,这就是计划的三倍花更多的节日礼物。每个人都专注于假日销售;也许假期捐赠告诉数量越多。“令人鼓舞的是,明年的前景是好的,那些捐赠的90%在2009年表示,他们2010年捐款将相同或高于今年的水平。但捐款并不是唯一的回馈方式。 Sixty percent of those surveyed said they had volunteered in 2009. Asked about random acts of kindness – defined as a spontaneous act of kindness, frequently performed for someone you don’t know – just about three in five (59%) of Americans said they perform one at least weekly. Making a Charity List and Checking It Twice Americans are paying closer attention to how their charitable dollars are being spent. Among Americans who’ve made charitable donations in 2009, 51% said the operating efficiency of the companies they donate to is more important than a year ago, 44% said it was the same and only 5% said it was less important. And Americans are doing their homework. Fifty-three percent of Americans at least occasionally check a charity’s operating efficiency rating. Interestingly, 19% of Americans say they always check a charity’s efficiency rating – up substantially from 12% in the 2006 survey. “Understandably, a struggling economy and volatile markets make us all a little more bottom-line focused,” Densen said. “But the recent financial and economic crisis has further rattled Americans’ confidence in Corporate America and ignited a debate relative to alignment of interest and transparency. This reaction has been indiscriminant and non-profits, NGO’s and associations are suffering a perceptual spillover.” Perhaps not surprisingly, just over one-third (34%) of respondents – only 4% strongly and 30% somewhat – agreed with the statement that “charities do a good job educating the public on how donations are spent.” “We believe the survey findings represent both an opportunity and an object lesson for non-profits,” said Tiller principal Heather Emerson. “Americans are increasingly value-oriented and are looking to support non-profits that put their dollars to best use. Non-profits who recognize that and can effectively communicate their financial accountability and controls along with the import of their cause will have an important leg up.” * * * * Tiller, LLC is one of the nation’s leading consultancies in the creation and implementation of advocacy marketing programs for major U.S. corporations. For more information on the 2009 Tiller Social Action Survey, a checklist of 12 random acts of kindness, and contact information for volunteer opportunities, please go to the Tiller website:www.tillerllc.com。有一些新鲜的,随机的善举的创意吗?请寄给actsofkindness@tillerllc.com。我们将在我们的网站上发布我们的最爱。马修Greenwald & Associates是一个总理全方位服务市场研究公司总部设在华盛顿特区的接触:Rob丹麦王子/吉姆Marren舵柄,LLC (212) 358 - 8515